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Fuel Injection for GS Series Bikes?????

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    Originally posted by Craig
    Some people like to"fix" their bikes. Most people that do, have a far better understanding of how things work and what to do when they break down. Those that just "ride" will be the ones sitting at the side of the road with their head in their hands, and their bike not running, with no idea where to begin. As far a modifications go, to each his own. If it wasn't for creative thinking, we would still be chewing on raw meat huddled around a fire in a dark cave. Lets be positive oops...did I use my allotment?
    You got that right
    and yes you used 4.5 days worth of high octane smileys up, unless they of course were walmart smileys which would be around 2.5 a day regular octane smileys


      cave man stomp

      I had not finished reading the thread when I wrote the last post so I am happy to see that someone else sees the connection between cave men and motorbikes. Only kidding! Evolution is a product of nature trying every option. When nature produces a better version (randomly, I have to point out) it survives. When nature produces a worse version (also randomly), it perishes. This is natural selection. If people (analogous to nature) did not try different things we would still BE living in caves. In fact, we may not even have got as far as living in caves. We may not even have crawled out of the swamp! By the same argument the desire to try anything new may even be a primal, basic urge to better the species. SURVIVORS THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! Ride safe but help nature; when somebody cuts you up just make sure they can't breed. Another 2 cents worth.


        Ahhhhhh.......My absolute favorite saying is......."Some people should not be allowed to breed"

        Followed closely by "Beauty may leave you as you age, but stupid is forever".........



          I resent all these remarks! I absolutely love sitting around the cave
          chewing on raw meat! Whats wrong with that?

          You guys are just picking on me because I have more hair on my back
          than I do on the top of my head!

          Don't knock it until you find something better!


            Sitting in the cave is no problem as long as the GS is on the stand along the cave wall, and there is a pot of coffee brewing..
            It would help if there was some cool cave music and primative tools there as well..


              Originally posted by simon lambert
              Sitting in the cave is no problem as long as the GS is on the stand along the cave wall, and there is a pot of coffee brewing..
              It would help if there was some cool cave music and primative tools there as well..
              Don't forget the cave women Simon


                I was really interested in a thread on fuel injection. I didn't like seeing the thread decay into whatever that disucussion was all about. It all made sense and at the same time, didn't have much to do with fuel injection.

                When I decided to get back into motorcycles after many years away I sort of took a look inward to figure out what it was that I wanted. As it turns out, I'm not sure which I like more, riding or tinkering. There's a good chance that I like both about the same. I also find that I like restoring to stock and that I like performance modifications. So, what I did was to buy an 1100 for performance and and 850 for stock. I have all kinds of thoughts for the 1100... pipes, filters, jets, maybe cams, etc. The 850 is pure stock (except the Electrex components) and is going to stay that way.

                So I find that within my own self there are parts of both sides of the earlier conversation. It is true though, that if I wanted to do what I'm doing with new bikes instead of my GSs, I wouldn't be able to do it. The really great thing is that these old GS bikes are of such excellent quality that I can do what I'm doing with the money I have available. I have two really excellent bikes that each have their own distinct personalities and I have a lot less money into them both than what it would take to buy just one new 650.

                Life is good when you ride a GS. Enjoy it!


                  You Go Buooooy! It's YOUR damn bike, and don't be bashful..... I know you've got big ideas about 2-stage supercharging! There wouldn't be much interesting going on if no-one modded stuff.... so c'mon, add some spice to our life already


                    fuel injunction...

                    Karl, It was ALL about fuel injection. Think outside the box, man. Did you search for mini-car info yet? Did you? No? Neither did I. I have slowly assimilated a large bottle of rum and I am going to bed. That is kind of fuel injection too. And just whilst I'm here, can we all *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ off the meskito guy. He makes me laugh so hard my wife thinks I've lost it completely. Matbe I have. OR IS IT NATURE TRYING SOMETHING NEW??????????


                      Nothing wrong with tinkering on the bike. I would not expect any power increase though, and perhaps not any driveability increase as well unless the system is really set up well. Remember that modern fuel injected bikes have a lot of sensors to make it all work. And all the high pressure fuel pumps etc I hang out on GSX14 sites as well, and these guys have various problems with stock factory settings and problems. Cam position sensors, etc etc.

                      If the injection is not set up right the bike will be less driveable..look at many tests as they compare how driveable a bike is compared to a crab..the best compliment seems to be you are barely aware the injection is there.

                      I do all my own rebuild and maintenance work (not much appearnce work mind!) I can go through the entire electrical system. I have just decided the GS is to stay as is. Not standard, not concours...just what I ride.

                      Oh dear, I agree with Nick yet again. I would prefer some smoothbores to fiddling with injection.


                        Yeah....we're back on track. Thanks Karl, Rufus and Saaz for dragging this thing back where it belongs. Although the diversion made for some pretty interesting and funny stuff. For those interested, check out the spin off post..."Go Away Nick". That one really has some fun and bizarre stuff.

               original question regarding fuel injection possibilities had to do with the potential for reducing the carb rebuilds and synchs that are pretty much required every two years or so. And the nasty propensity of these GS's to suck excess air either around the air box (the doors especially) or thru cracked rubber boots and causing them to run lean and hot.

                        I wasn't interested in any more speed. The way I see it, crashing at 115 (or so) isn't any different than crashing at 128 with more speed.

                        I was just (and still am) looking for a simpler easier way.

                        Keep the posts coming y'all. This is good stuff


                          I am with you on your goal Glenn. I am not taking sides at all but have to say this. If your desired goal is something easier then I am just about positive that this fuel injection idea is not what you want to try. I imagine it turning out to be quite the opposite of what you want.

                          If you have as many issues with the need for constant carb rebuilds and breathing in air where it is not supposed to making it lean out I would suggest simply buying new quality components and go that route. The reason I say that is because in the 12+ years I have owned my GS I had to rebuild the carbs one time when I first got it. Annual setup is always a plus but I could go several years without a sync job as well and she is always running strong. During this time I have never had an issue with a leaking carb boot or any other component that caused the unwanted air intake you mention although I am aware that it happens to ppl.

                          I am just thinking that getting it done right with good parts should give you the desired affect. Once setup correctly with good parts you just ride man

                          Not to poo poo the fuel injection idea, just think IMHO that it would give you the opposite end of your desired goal.

                          Rock on!


                            Originally posted by Craig
                            Some people like to"fix" their bikes. Most people that do, have a far better understanding of how things work and what to do when they break down. Those that just "ride" will be the ones sitting at the side of the road with their head in their hands, and their bike not running, with no idea where to begin. As far a modifications go, to each his own. If it wasn't for creative thinking, we would still be chewing on raw meat huddled around a fire in a dark cave. Lets be positive
                            Now that is the most inspiring message of the day. As a "Tinkerer" I totally agree. When my friends bikes break all they can do is call a tow truck. I whip out my tools and fix whatever I need right on the side of the road.

                            Dm of mD


                              Fool Injection

                              Having owned a injected Kawa, I can say first hand that it was about the equvailent of the the old VW fuel injection, every body makes it sound like its no sweat to putting it on, just the recirculating system that is involed with fuel delivery is a feat in its self. me I would go with a belt drivin 4-71 GMC blower and a 4500 dominator holly carb, hang it off of one side and put a wheel on it for sharp turns, so you dont scrape it on the ground, I own two british bikes so yes I have to work on them, if I want to ride a classic vibrator, my wife sure likes them!!!!! My GS1000 is a blast to ride, and easy to work on!!! And I have gotten a ton of info from this site thanks guys


                                multiple throttle valves injection or carbs will still need syncing from time to time as things wear or injecters get dirty.

