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1979 GS 850... stalling problems

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    1979 GS 850... stalling problems

    Today i was the recipient of a 79 GS 850
    After payin for the bike we go out to start the bike. Yesterday the bike started like a champ and just ran the whole time we sat there and talked, rode it for a bit... it purred like a dream

    Today... not so much, the bike kept dying and popin'. Everytime we let go of the throttle the rpms would drop below a 1000 and the bike would die. He tried to run it around the block a few times... it died at everystop sign. Checked the plugs... they didn't look too bad. Don't know the age of the gas... ???? The dealer got the bike on trade and doesn't normally deal in bikes. I suggested the idle is too low.

    also the dealer was *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$in me off cause he didn't know ditty about bikes and I kept sayin that suzukis are really cold blooded and to just relax a bit and let it warm up more... but thats niether here nor there.

    so we left it at this. The bike is mine
    I'm gonna run it for a couple days and if it continues in this pattern he said to bring it back. And he'd give me my money back. But i don't want to of course... i'm obsessed with old GSs and this bike has a hold on me.

    So I go to a friends house close to the dealers
    turn the idle up a bit. No more stalling while idling. But it still dies if the RPMs drop quick at stop signs or something from riding speed.

    Haven't swapped plugs yet gonna do that tomorrow.

    any suggestions?

    Ok... this morning... got a ride to my friends house... the bike started with some hesitation. But once she got rolling she was golden. Made it to work without one single stall. Had to spend some quality time figuring out the powerband in first gear but after a couple of slow stops I was in.

    Then about 4 blocks from work... I hear some load noise from the exhaust and the bike is idling at about maybe whatever was giving me problems with the idle and stalling has been shat out. Got to work and reduced the idle and thats where I am right now.


      First of all, intake leak check:


        I have one of these Gs850s, when I was tuning it after putting it back together I forgot to put the vacumm line to the fuel cock and therefore got problems like you are discibing . So you may have a leak in that vac line. Also if there is maybe the other fella has turned the idle screw in to get the bike to idle and then when it sealed itself the rpm does go up.


          Firt thing I would check is compression on all four cylinders.
          Next, check valve clearances.
          1979 was a points ignition system, so I would check points gap on the 1-4 set and then the 2-3 set, Then check ignition timing on each set.
          Next replace the induction tube "O" rings, as at that age it is a pretty good bet they are not in great shape.
          Check the vacuum line to the petcock that activates fuel flow to be sure there are no air leaks/cracks.
          Check the airbox for leaks, badly fitting carb boots and dirty aircleaner. Sometimes, you will find the aircleaner element missing......:-)
          Remove the carbs, disassemble them, soak the carb bodies in cleaner overnight, reassemble with new "O" rings. (make a note of jet needle settings on each carb during disassembly)
          Finally, using a mercury carb stix, synchronize the carb vacuums.

          Your problem could be the result of any or all of the above or different parts of each for each carb, so the only way to really solve the problem with any certainty is to check, clean and set everything.

          Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

          I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


            If you're saying the bike idled correctly (around 1,100 rpm) when you left for work, but the idle rose to 2,300 rpm once it warmed up good, then you have an intake leak. Most likely the o-rings in the rubber manifolds or the manifolds could be cracking too. Try tightening the manifold clamps first and see if that helps. If not, then it's the above. The new o-rings should be coated with some hi-temp bearing grease and torqued to 6 ft/lb.
            Sometimes a throttle valve (slide) can start sticking, especially when they warm up. But it's much more likely an intake leak.
            And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
            Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!

