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GS 1150 - clutch

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    GS 1150 - clutch

    My clutch has been doing terrible racket for a while now.
    Today I took it apart, and couldn`t find nothing really wrong with it, but looking closer at my pressure plate I realized that I have 1.5 mm difference between diameters of clutch release rack ( this round rod with grooves and a bearing on the end ) and a hole in the pressure plate.
    Anybody knows, what is the proper fit between these 2 parts ?

    Adam M.

    The fit doesnt matter at that point, the noise is made by the backing plate, it is rivetted on and contains springs, these springs lose tension over time , and can even break which is the cause of the noise, BTW this is all on the rear of the outer clutch basket.


      Dink is on it. One way to fix this is to get a heavy duty backing plate and have it welded on. The cost of the plate is about $100 and having it welded on is about another $100. I believe I saw one already set up and for sale by Katman in the 'For Sale' section.


        I know all about springs and backing plates and agree that part of the racket comes from there.
        But I`m quite sure the second part comes from the loose clutch release rack. It`s not only loose in this hole, but it`s loose between clip and a bearing in this pressure plate.
        So when clutch lever is disangaged this rack is bobing around in the pressure plate giving out a very distinctive sound of something beeing broken.
        I belive that Katsman engine is still apart - maybe I ask him about it in Performance Mods.
        Thanx guys

        Adam M.


          The area that you are concerned with is not normally a high wear point. I guess that was the point Dink was trying to make.

          The clutch cover does not have a bearing or bushing for the clutch release rod. That to me indicates that they do not expect any loading in this area. The motion of the rod in this area is a simple in and out (not rotational). The fit of the rod in the cover should be fairly tight.

          Abnormal wear is very easy to determine. Inspect and replace any worn parts. My question to you is - do you see any wear on the clutch cover? If you do, then replace it.


            Originally posted by Swanny
            The area that you are concerned with is not normally a high wear point. I guess that was the point Dink was trying to make.

            The clutch cover does not have a bearing or bushing for the clutch release rod. .
            Yes, but rod has a bearing, and it has some rotating action when you press a clutch lever))
            I see some wear from underside of pressure plate, so my first idea was to change the plate.
            I just didnt know if such loose fit is normal, or not.
            I just have to order a plate without seeing it.
            This is why I asked.

            Adam M.


              Which rod are we discussing here? The one on the outer clutch cover, that also is the spring seats? Or the one on the engine cover that is a rod and the clutch cable attaches to?
              If it is the engine cover; you can replace the bearings and seal on it as it shouldn't have play in it. If it is the one on the out clutch sover m there is a bearing in there that can also be replaced , and indeed may adding to clutch noise.


                You've got me confused now. Actually, that is quite a feat as my clutch cover is still off and I can look inside. There shouldn't be any slop on any of the parts when assembled. If there is it should be apparent where the wear points are.

                The verticle rod in the clutch cover should not have any slop either.


                  Originally posted by Dink
                  Which rod are we discussing here? The one on the outer clutch cover, that also is the spring seats?
                  Yes, this is it. Official name for this cover is `pressure plate` because it applays pressure to the rest of the clutch plates.
                  When you press the clutch lever, vertical rod in the clutch cover turns and puls the rod I`m talking about, called clutch release rack in the direction of the cover, realeasing pressure from the plates.
                  When clutch is not used, this realese rack is hold in position by vertical rod in the clutch cover, but in my bike is very loose in the pressure plate.
                  Because pressure plate is turning constantly with running engine, this loose rack is bobbing around making some noise.
                  Anyway, I ordered a new pressure plate and will check everything after its delivered.

                  Adam M.

