I took the carbs off for cleaning. They weren't all that bad. I left them together on the rack. I followed the instructions in the Clean-up Series (very helful). But, I did not remove the air screws. They are still capped from the factory. I didn't adjust anything. Back on the bike. Fired right up. Choke works great. Fires after sitting a couple hours without using the choke. Runs good through all RPM's (I think). A little too much vibration, though. Idles pretty good. I checked the synch on the carbs. #1 is highest, then they drop down 2, 3, 4... like a stair step. I pulled the plugs. #1 looks good, then they get blacker progressively down the line. #4 is the worst, coated with dry, black carbon.
Here's the stupid questions. Is just synching the carbs going to correct the carbon build-up problem? Should I have un-capped and cleaned those air screws? And if I do need to clean the air screws, can I do it without taking the carbs off the bike? I was just going to synch them and find out for myself, but found out I can't get to the center adjuster without the special tool. So in the meantime, any thoughts?