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GS850 Airbox Wierdness....Someone please explain this to me

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    GS850 Airbox Wierdness....Someone please explain this to me

    I was cleaning out my airbox when I saw a tube that looked kinked. When I followed it out and traced it, it was nothing but a 3 foot tube with a factory plugged end.

    On the left side of the bike the tube drops down thru my airbox from above, proceeds out the bottom of the aribox and then makes it's way over to the right side of the bike. But it is not connected to anything and ithas a factory plug on the end.

    I have some pics of it but I don't know how to attach pics with my posts yet.

    Can someone tell me what this weird thing is for.

    Also I can send pics to anyones email, or maybe someone can explain to me how to attach pics to my posts.

    If its what I think it is, its a breather hose. I have them coming from the valve cover to the air box, the fuel tank to the airbox, and carbs to the airbox. I got rid of all of them except for the one from the valve cover.

    As for the pictures, you cannot add them to a post unless they are already sitting somewhere online. What we'll see is a link to the actual pic, this site does not host them for you. Many people on this site use a MSN Group to host their pictures which is free and you get a little bit of space. Post that question in the general to have people link you.

    You can email them to me and I will host the pics for you if you like.


      If I think I know what you're talking about it might be the airbox breather/fuel run-off hose. I have the same on my 83 550. Pretty much useless.


        I think that it is not actually blocked. It is designed so that air or fuel can only flow out but air cannot flow not in (while the engine is running), because suction from the engine would pull the end together. like a check valve. I figured it might be some sort of drain, but wasn't sure until the post from MaineZuki. I suspect that if it is not blocked or not installed correctly, it could cause the engine to run lean.


          Thanks everybody. After wondering about it for awhile I decided that since the bike is running pretty good, I was just going to leave it alone.

          So I just put it all back together the way it was and I'll move on.........BUT I HATE NOT UNDERSTANDING THINGS LIKE THAT......ARGGGHHHHHHH!!!!

