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Weak battery = No spark?

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    Weak battery = No spark?

    A few weeks ago after warming up the bike, it died pulling out of the driveway and then had no spark. I initially though it was the signal generator but that checked out OK, then I was pretty sure it was the ignitor, so I went ahead and got a Dyna 3 which took more than 2 weeks to get. I put it all in and at first it didn't work, but it was the same no spark. The coils tested good, but the voltage I was getting at the coils seemed low ( like 9V), there was a thread about something with a dying battery causing weak or no spark, so I put the charger on let it charge maybe 15min and then tried cranking with the charger attached to boost it, with a plug on the head it turned a couple times and then started to spark. I put it together, and started it, warmed it up, headed down the driveway and the same thing happened, no spark. Then I kept the charger on for like an hour, and tried again, no spark. This sucks. I changed the fuses, and I guess the Dyna 3 went in right since it ran a bit. Maybe someone could give me some suggestions. Tips on testing a battery for life?
    Thanks, Ed

    A low battery can cause insufficient spark, sure, but there'll be a lot of other symptoms too - starter won't turn, lights & horn don't work, etc.

    Many auto parts stores will do a load test on a battery for you. They check the battery voltage while drawing current from it. Testing a battery with a voltmeter at home might not identify a bad battery. With no load the voltage could look normal, but if the battery has developed a high internal resistance the voltage will drop seriously once you apply a load.



      on mine if the battery gets a little low it will turn over just fine and you'd never know it was low except it wont actually fire. sometimes you will get a cough just as you let go of the start button, thats a low battery.


        Yeah that's what I'm saying, but there is really no spark at all, I thought maybe the spark would just get weak


          not with electronic iginition. theres not enough power to light the box up after the starter gets it juise. does it cough just as you let go of the starter button but not fire up? thats the box getting enough power as the starter turns off but the engine is not being turned over anymore so it dosn't fire up. sometimes it will fire up like that but not very often. try push starting it and seing if it fires up


            I think your right crazyguy it is the battery. Thanks, I guess 2 years is the limit on small batteries like these. Well at least I have adjustable base timing on the bike now

