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black goo or ring with a purpose

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    black goo or ring with a purpose

    just picked up an 79 GS850.

    doing a little clean up on the bike starting with the air filter. I've never delt with the GS stock box air filter. always had pods on previos bikes. Anyways i'm removing the filter from the case. The cylmer manual says easily enough "pull filter out.
    So i start tugging and all this black goo is coming out with it. It is the consistancy of gum. Sticks to anything it touches. I assumed this was bad. Then i looked closer. It follows the top of the filter rim nicely. in some areas it looks more like a moist cake, and then back into gum. Never goes over the metal grate at on the top of the filter.

    so i guess my question is. Is this some sort of build up? Or was this some foam lip that has melted or corroded that i need to replace? I'm not touching it until i get an insightful answer

    It is an old foam ring. Probably degenerated with fuel and oil to the goo consistancy.

    Good Luck


      Any tips on replacing it? Can i just order another and slap it on or do i need a new filter basket?


        See this thread:

        I think it should answer your questions.


          thanks for the link. After reading that i stummbled over a second problem. Worn gasket on the left side.


