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Cant get jets out!
Cant get jets out!
I'm in the middle of a carb rebuild on a 650glz It was in a building that burnt down 2 years ago and is in rough shape but I think I can get her back on the road.Nothing was melted just smoked up bad.Anyway 2 of the jets wont budge.The air jet on #1 and the pilot jet on #4.Now what?Do I drill them out?Can I order these jets new?Tags: None
Forum GuruCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- Oct 2002
- 8859
- Angeles Forest, So.Calif./Red rocks of Southern Utah.
Not positive which parts you mean. On CV carbs, the MIXTURE screws can be stuck and trying to remove them can result in stripping the head. You might be better off leaving it alone unless you insist on removing it. In my opinion, drilling it out will ruin the carb body. If you ARE talking about the air-jet, on some carbs they are not meant to be removed. Pressed in.
The pilot-jet should come lose though. I've never seen one that stuck. I would'nt use a drill on this either. Does it have a slotted screwdriver head?
If so, then you might have to use some pliers on it? Can you send a pic'?And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!
I don't have my camera here now so I can't send any pics.If you look at these from the carb rebuild guide on the main page,you can see the ones i'm talking about.
I did find the replacements at Dinnis Kirks so that isn't a problem.Now the problem is how to get these out when the screw heads are stripped.Also the parts come as a whole set to do one carb.I only need 1 pilot and one air so would I only need to get the one kit or do I need to put all new pieces in all 4 carbs while I'm at it?
Well like Keith said depending on what type of carbs they aren't going to come out. On CV carbs im not 100% you can take out the air jets, but as for the pilot jets you can take them out. Try spraying some carb cleaner in there, making sure that wherever the fluid travels there will be no plastic or rubber parts. You can however get some Carb spray that is somewhat safe for rubber & plastic.
Also the parts come as a whole set to do one carb.I only need 1 pilot and one air so would I only need to get the one kit or do I need to put all new pieces in all 4 carbs while I'm at it?
Do you know what kind of carbs they are?
Not sure about the air jet, but I had a pilot jet that broke half the slot off, in a 36mm cv carb. I had no other option but to try to drill it out with a left hand drill, a few sizes smaller than the jet. To my surprise, the drill snagged the jet and backed it out. I figured the threads were messed up, but the new jet screwed right in. Only try this as a last resort, If the threads get messed up, the carb will be unfixable. If you try this, run the drill as slow as possible
They are cv carbs just like the ones in the carb cleaning guid.I finally got the air jet out of #1 but the pilot is really bad on #4.I know they are suppost to come out and they all came out well on the other 3 carbs.I'm going to try an ez out tomarrow and I'll keep you all informed.
You must drill a hole for the ez out. Why not use a left hand drill bit to drill the hole, at the least it will be trying to back it out instead of tightening it.
Originally posted by rphillipsYou must drill a hole for the ez out. Why not use a left hand drill bit to drill the hole, at the least it will be trying to back it out instead of tightening it.
Forum GuruCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- Oct 2002
- 8859
- Angeles Forest, So.Calif./Red rocks of Southern Utah.
OK. Looked at the pic's. Glad you got the air jet out.
Only other thing I can think of that hasn't been suggested is to use a small amount of impact on the jet. A good rap usually works on stuck threads. Of course, you would have to be more careful with a small brass jet in a carb body. I would try putting the carb on some cardboard or ? and apply some "medium" impact to the screwdriver. Use the best fitting tool you have. Maybe just some light impact will loosen it first.And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!
Definately change all the jets you remove, they become brittle. Remove them once and it's a gamble that they won't strip or crack if you ever have to take them out again. I was going to change the pilot jets in my bike but... one stripped and now I'm afraid to destroy the carb just to change the jetting
Well,a friend of mine got the pilot jet out of #4 today so i'm ready to go!I think I'm going to take travellite's advise and order all new jets.I can't stand the thought of doing this restore project and be worried about these things ever sticking again.Does anyone know where to get a rebuild kit any cheaper than Dinnis Kirks.His are 21.00 + shipping.I know that's not too bad but any cheaper would help this poor boy out.
Thanks to all you guys for helping and i'm sure I'll be posting back as my project furthers.It's going to be alot of work but I think that will just make me extra proud of her when it's all finished.