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part swapping between years

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    part swapping between years

    Hey all-

    My '77 GS 550B needs new front turn signals and handle bars. I've got a lead on those parts in great shape from someone with an '82 GS 550L.

    My question is: will these be compatible with my '77 or should I keep looking? I'd rather not shell out the extra $$$ for soemthing I can't use...

    Thanks for your help,

    Go ahead and get them But be aware the " L" cruser model has pull back bars that may not be comfortable on your bike


      If You get he bars and they dont fit ??? Or like them I will take them off your hands


        Thanks for the info SqDancerLynn1. I ended up passing on the deal--I was a little too uncomfortable with the online transaction details to make it happen.

        Spineless? Sure.....but it made me go search more fervently my local bike junkyard where I eventually found a suitable replacement. Yahoo!

        Crip75--I found the bars originally on ebay. I contacted the seller directly to see if he was parting out anything else. As far as I know, they'll be back up there soon (if not already).


