So tonight I ran through the diagnostics. Now my stator is bad. Months and months of running on a weak RR. Just days before I replace the RR, my stator goes out.

<RANT ATTITUDE=woe-is-me>
I just can't catch a break. <sigh> I have a four-year college degree. I worked for it. I'm knowledgable and a good worker. But do I have the plush job and life where everything goes right? No. I'm 23, a college grad who can barely afford to get to work, much less move out of his parents' basement. I own two cars and two bikes. Grand total of working vehicles: One. Today I just paid out for the tux I will wear to my good friend's wedding on Saturday and I paid me car insurance for the month. There goes this week's wages. (Not a single ticket or accident ever and I still pay straight up the ass for car insurance). Cash in the bank: $335. Monthly bills including gas: $600 minimum. Can I afford a new stator for the 1100? Can I afford to fix the turn signals on the 1100? Can I afford a new set of tires for the Subaru? Can I afford a Pingel petcock for the 450?

So it looks like I'll have to cancel on the Washington state ride I was hoping to do this Sunday.
I'm working hard to get ahead but it seems all I'm getting is a sore head. ](*,) #-o