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lamentations: stator and life (updated and looking hopeful)

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    lamentations: stator and life (updated and looking hopeful)

    My bike has had a weak RR for quite a while. Fortunately, the stator was OK. I lacked funding to buy an Electrex but I finally came up with a Honda replacement for the right price. I installed it yesterday and checked my voltages. Still bad. Battery isn't fully charged so I hook up the charger.

    So tonight I ran through the diagnostics. Now my stator is bad. Months and months of running on a weak RR. Just days before I replace the RR, my stator goes out.


    <RANT ATTITUDE=woe-is-me>
    I just can't catch a break. <sigh> I have a four-year college degree. I worked for it. I'm knowledgable and a good worker. But do I have the plush job and life where everything goes right? No. I'm 23, a college grad who can barely afford to get to work, much less move out of his parents' basement. I own two cars and two bikes. Grand total of working vehicles: One. Today I just paid out for the tux I will wear to my good friend's wedding on Saturday and I paid me car insurance for the month. There goes this week's wages. (Not a single ticket or accident ever and I still pay straight up the ass for car insurance). Cash in the bank: $335. Monthly bills including gas: $600 minimum. Can I afford a new stator for the 1100? Can I afford to fix the turn signals on the 1100? Can I afford a new set of tires for the Subaru? Can I afford a Pingel petcock for the 450?


    So it looks like I'll have to cancel on the Washington state ride I was hoping to do this Sunday.


    I'm working hard to get ahead but it seems all I'm getting is a sore head. ](*,) #-o



    ya ya

    just wait til you get married...have rug-rats....get divorced...ex gets house... reaches into your bank account every month and sucks out 45% of your takehome..... you end up living in your parents basement at 40... you havent even begun to screw up your life yet!!! Dont sweat the small stuff!!!!! A wise friend once told me "simplify your life!" words to live by


      Michael, if you want to send the petcock to me I'll check it out for you and try to get it functioning right. I've never rewound a stator but am willing to attempt it for you. I understand completely how to do it. I've got a couple of short stalks here that you are welcome to. All of this would be at no charge for labor. Your stator would be a lab rat for both of us. All it would cost you is shipping and magnet wire.


        Re: ya ya

        Originally posted by vapourman
        just wait til you get married...have rug-rats....get divorced...ex gets house... reaches into your bank account every month and sucks out 45% of your takehome
        I'm not that dumb. I was a couple years ago, but fortunately I wised up (barely) before rings and alimony got involved.



          Originally posted by Billy Ricks
          Michael, if you want to send the petcock to me I'll check it out for you and try to get it functioning right. I've never rewound a stator but am willing to attempt it for you. I understand completely how to do it. I've got a couple of short stalks here that you are welcome to. All of this would be at no charge for labor. Your stator would be a lab rat for both of us. All it would cost you is shipping and magnet wire.
          Petcock is a lost cause. Fixing it is like building a new dinosaur.

          What are these short stalks things of which you speak? They aren't stator parts, are they?

          I just remembered that there is a GS750L sitting in a junk yard nearby. I wonder if I can scrounge it. Last time I tried they estimated the price of the part if it were on a car, then tripled it because "motorcycles are expensive." No joke. That's how they did it. Maybe I can call ahead and convince them to let me have the stator cheap.

          So, thanks for the offers of help. I'm gonna hold off for now until I see how a couple other things pan out. I might just rewind it myself. Done it before, in a simplified fashion.




            Short stalks are turn signals.


              Re: ya ya

              Originally posted by vapourman
              just wait til you get married...have rug-rats....get divorced...ex gets house... reaches into your bank account every month and sucks out 45% of your takehome..... you end up living in your parents basement at 40... you havent even begun to screw up your life yet!!! Dont sweat the small stuff!!!!! A wise friend once told me "simplify your life!" words to live by
              So that's how I got where I'm at 8O



                I took off my stator cover and tried to remove the stator, only to find that its wires snake through many other covers, resulting in an ass pain. I traced the wire farther and it seemed that the stator shares a connector for which the other wires go straight into the wiring harness. Is this so? Do I have to use some bullet connectors to put the new stator in (when I get one)?

                And from the out-of-the-frying-pan-into-fire department:

                Went to the wedding today. Glad for my buddy and I kept a smile until it was over. It was quite depressing to me, actually. I lost a friend. Of course, he'll be back in town in a week, and I can see him again. But for now I miss him. It'll get better. Then my girlfriend and I broke up. It seems she just doesn't have room in her life for a boyfriend. Didn't want to make room and time, anyway. Girls suck.

                I tried playing some computer games to distract myself but they kept crashing. Couldn't even make it between save points before it crashed.

                I think sleep will be my only blessing today.



                  Originally posted by Billy Ricks
                  Short stalks are turn signals.
                  I don't need stalks, thanks. I need the button that you use to move the left-right high-low switches. It fell off on the freeway. Bye bye. My keys also fell out about twenty miles later. I've got those replaced and fixed though.



                    I'm getting ready to change mine soon. If you still need the switchgear at that time you're welcome to my old set.


                      Re: lamentations: stator and life

                      Originally posted by mopolopo
                      I just can't catch a break. <sigh> I have a four-year college degree. I worked for it. I'm knowledgable and a good worker. But do I have the plush job and life where everything goes right? No. I'm 23, a college grad who can barely afford to get to work, much less move out of his parents' basement.


                      I'm working hard to get ahead but it seems all I'm getting is a sore head. ](*,) #-o


                      Michael, If it is any consololation I have been much farther down than you are now much later in life....more than once. You have your youth and, I assume, you have your health. There are many wealthy people who would swap you dead even right now. As far as getting ahead, you ARE ahead of all but a tiny percentage of the people who currently occupy this planet. Each morning when you get up take just a minute to think about your list of good fortunes first. Then begin your reflection on what you are missing in life. If the exercise helps you to feel more positive about yourself and your direction, it will help you to eventually obtain those missing pieces.
                      Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.

                      Nature bats last.

                      80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G



                        In the process move the Reg/Rect to the front of the frame in the airflow.
                        So far mine has lived longer up there. I noticed most of the new bikes have them out in the air somewhere. Cheer up, at least you are not stuck in Eastern New Mexico !


                          Originally posted by Billy Ricks
                          I'm getting ready to change mine soon. If you still need the switchgear at that time you're welcome to my old set.
                          Cool. PM me when you're ready! Do you mean that you'll give up the whole left control pod?




                            Re: lamentations: stator and life

                            Originally posted by dpep
                            Each morning when you get up take just a minute to think about your list of good fortunes first.
                            Just tried it. Whaddya know, good stress reliever! I'm still frustrated with the things that keep getting in the way. I'm doing my best, but I keep feeling like my effort and patience are rewarded with just one step forward and two steps back.



                              Re: lamentations: stator and life

                              At least youre not falling over in your driveway yet. :-) :-)


                              Originally posted by mopolopo
                              I'm still frustrated with the things that keep getting in the way. I'm doing my best, but I keep feeling like my effort and patience are rewarded with just one step forward and two steps back.

                              Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                              I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.

