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lamentations: stator and life (updated and looking hopeful)

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    Re: lamentations: stator and life

    Originally posted by earlfor
    At least youre not falling over in your driveway yet. :-) :-)
    True. Wow, wouldn't that suck! You push through all the things that have broken, RR, stator, etc, only to dump it in the driveway on the big ride day.

    (crossing fingers...)



      Originally posted by mopolopo
      Cool. PM me when you're ready! Do you mean that you'll give up the whole left control pod?
      It's the whole left hand switch set. I have butchered the plug on it from past mods but you should be able to splice it into your plug. A little soldering and heat shrink tubing and your set.

      I got the new switch mounted on my bike this morning along with a new clutch perch and master cylinder from late model GSXRs. I need to pick up one or two things to finish splicing in the new switch then the old set is yours.


        Originally posted by Billy Ricks
        Originally posted by mopolopo
        Cool. PM me when you're ready! Do you mean that you'll give up the whole left control pod?
        It's the whole left hand switch set. I have butchered the plug on it from past mods but you should be able to splice it into your plug. A little soldering and heat shrink tubing and your set.

        I got the new switch mounted on my bike this morning along with a new clutch perch and master cylinder from late model GSXRs. I need to pick up one or two things to finish splicing in the new switch then the old set is yours.
        Wow! Thank you so much! Butchered plug shouldn't be a problem as long as there's room to make mends.

        Email me when you're ready.

        Thanks again!



          We are in very similliar boats as far as the job/money/degree thing goes. I was in good shape until I graduated then my boat started sinking. You are not the only one, but you probably knew that.

          I was lucky, my stator went when I had money so it wasn't a big deal. My problem is I need a new front tire, or so the guy who did the inspection 1000 miles ago said. I currently have about 3/32 worth of tread in the middle. Hopefully someone will say thats fine but I doubt it.

          Its tough to keep your chin up in times like this but you got to.


            Re: lamentations: stator and life

            Originally posted by mopolopo
            Originally posted by dpep
            Each morning when you get up take just a minute to think about your list of good fortunes first.
            Just tried it. Whaddya know, good stress reliever! I'm still frustrated with the things that keep getting in the way. I'm doing my best, but I keep feeling like my effort and patience are rewarded with just one step forward and two steps back.

            My ol' lady is a cancer critical care nurse. She doesn't allow me to complain much about my "bad deals."
            Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.

            Nature bats last.

            80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G



              Billy Ricks generously sent me his left-hand control pod completely free of charge. Got it wired in and it works. Doesn't have the auto-canceling feature but it does blink! So I'm happy enough.

              jernelist is also sending me her RR and stator. I hope they will get me a ways farther, at least until I can afford an Electrex set.

              I went after my 450 petcock, which was leaking gas. Turns out that a rubber piece I put on there to seal off the vacuum tube went bad. It came in a box of four, so I just put another on. It'll buy me some time at least.

              My ex-girlfriend and I have made contact again and it looks like things will be alright. The breakup is still on and that's for the better I guess. But it seems that we don't hate eachother, so that's good.

              I've figured out some of the reasons why that game kept crashing. Some of it can be prevented now.

              Work is going pretty well. I hear that some of my coworkers-turned underlings grumble about me. But at least they've been grumbling for the right reasons, because I've been doing my job, even though they don't like it. I don't have to make them happy. It would be nice, but you have to let some things go. I did drop a pizza this week, but I blame that on Monday.

              I had a good cigar on Thurday too. Mmmm...



                You have two things most people on this site do not have and can

                NEVER have! " 23 years old and a degree"

                Women shy away from broke boyfriends but you will get around that and you will have a new bike someday.

                It's alright!


                  The Stator - Life, The Universe, and Everything

                  Dude, I have been in your shoes. I graduated in July '91, got laid off in December, dumped by my girlfriend in Feb '92. Moped around for a few weeks, got a new job in April, moved to North Jersey, took my bike along. Rebuilt it, and my self esteem that spring, rode all summer into my new life.

                  I can't promise you when it will, but know this much - it WILL get better. Trust me.

                  Vince D \/

