The bike has 53k miles on it. The previous owner painted it matte black. It's good looking.
the bike had the turn signals removed, and I intend on replacing them. Any suggestions as to where to buy replacement peices? I'm not terriably interested in stock parts, but modern looking bits that are cheap would be good.
The bike also lacks rear view mirrors, I'd like some suggestions as to what I can put on the bike cheaply. :-) Again, looking good is a plus. Cheap is somewhat more important though.
The charging system is healthy, the headlight is bright. But the taillight is out. It may just be the bulb. I will be investigating that this weekend.
Right now the clutch drags. I think that I'm just not able to pull the clutch out far enough. I see there's an adjuster on the clutch handle, but is there another adjustment I should check as well?
The shifter is loose, I haven't had the chance to investigate it's attachemtn method yet. (I know asking before I looked isnt' a plan that makes me look good here, but I'm at work, and anxious, so anything would be apreciated)
The choke causes the bike to idle at 5000rpm or so. Which seems a might bit high. Is this abnormal?
Looking inside the tank shows a LITTLE rust. nothing flaking though. I figure if I keep the tank full it should prevent the rust from propagating. (remove water source)
I was told I should also replace the fuel line from the carb to the gas tank.
I need the rubber cover to the top of the fork slider.
OH yes, the rear tire needs replacement, do you have any suggestions for what I should shoe my bike with?
Okey, enough kevetching..... The bike has a new battery, freshly cleaned carbs, a good front tire, it appears to never have been dropped!, shocks with good dampening in them still, the clocks work, all the indicator lights work. it sounds nice, the exhaust is solid, the bars are straight, the pegs aren't terriably worn. the charging system seems good.
Well... What should I watch for? Is there anything I should be prepared for?
Oh yes, two more things. What's the primary drive ratio? What are the transmission gear ratios? And what are the stock sprocket tooth counts?