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1979 GS 550L Won't Idle

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    1979 GS 550L Won't Idle

    Hello everyone,

    I am a new GS owner and new to your forum. This is a great resource! Thanks for having it!

    I am looking for help/advice regarding my newly acquired beauty. This bike had the carbs rebuilt and cleaned last September '03. The bike ran normally and was then stored for the winter. The previous owner added STABIL to the tank (he says). The bike will start on its own with the choke out, but as soon as it warms up, the bike dies. When starting the bike cold, the choke will not stay up when pulled up.

    The bike will run (idle high) while "in choke" but after warming up, it just dies. I have good spark and fuel delivery.

    I know the carbs are very sensitive to leaving fuel in them and as I have read in different posts here. I am more than willing to take them off if that is in fact my problem. I just don't want to do it if it is not necessary.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience? I am looking forward to some good time with this sweet ride!

    Any help any of you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,
    1979 GS 550L 7,289 original miles


    I have a question about the petcock too...mine has no lever on it. It delivers a nice flow of fuel, but no way to shut it off or know what position it is in!

    Thanks again,
    1979 GS550L 7,289 original miles


      i hate to ask the obvious, but have you adjusted your idle?

      When i got my bike.. i had to adjust it daily for the week of riding it. It too had sat. i ran sea foam through the tank right when i got it. but the bike would die at stops, or would idle at 2500... daily i adjusted it.

      After a couple of clean tank of gas the Idle has remained constant.


        I have to admit, I am a rookie/newbie and everything else you can say. I was an auto mechanic for 10 years but never did much work on bikes.

        i have been reading and reading the forums in here and they are all outstanding. however, i don't know much about sync'ing the four carbs, adjusting the idle etc.

        the gent who had it before me spent about 800 US on it at a very reputable bike repair shop. the bike ran great until after storage. now it will not idle like a normal bike.

        thanks for the prompt reply. I can sure use the help. I do have the clymer manual and I am looking for the factory manual or even the haynes to give me as much info as possible.

        1979 GS 550L 7,289 original miles


          what I would try is drain the float bowls (should be a hex head bolt on the bottom of each) and drain the fuel tank as well put some new gas in it and add about 1/2 bottle of the liquid carb cleaner and run the bike through that tank of gas then do the same thing again. You might have to adjust the idle while doing this, the idle control knob should be under the carbs in between the second and third carbs. (at least that is where it is on mine). I know what you mean about working on bikes compared to cars, back in the 70's I ran crew cheif for a drag racing team. But these bikes are totally different animals.


            not to sound dumb, but is that the thing that looks like a big star under the carbs> turning it in raises the idle and out lowers?

            1979 GS550L 7,289 original miles


              it should be located between the 3&4th carb... white top... stem sticking up about an inch. kinda star shaped i guess.


                what about the petcock? mine doesn't have a lever on it...i'd like to be able to switch the gas to on or prime etc but there's no lever! I see markings for prime and on but I dont even know what it is set at!

                I just got this bike and I can't wait to ride it! I have missed enough of the season already up here on the north coast!

                Other than these minor things, this bike is ready to roar!

                here is a link to a picture of it:

                1979 GS550L 7,289 original miles


                  Had the carbs cleaned, installed a new petcock and the bike fired up with just a bit of cranking!

                  I took it down the road and it seems to be fine so far. What a great machine! Fr what I have in it, it was a steal all the way!

                  Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions! See you on the road!

                  1980 GS550L 7,293 original miles (and about to climb!)

