i love my bike, but i dont think it likes me. when i test rode it, it ran great. took it home and i discovered how fun it is to leave the petcock in prime and had a few other issues come up. took it back to the guys house i bought it from and we did a few things and swapped carbs and *bam* ran great again. even took it for a decent test drive. loaded it up in the truck and i tipped the bike over and it put a nice dent in the gas tank. got it home and the she wouldnt start!!!!
here is what ive done so far; checked fuel lines, checked the bowls to see if it had fuel (they did), watched fuel flow in the lines, good fuel filter, vaccum line on the petcock and carbs connected, spark plugs were all dry, spark plugs sparked, no fuel sputtered out of the cylinders when i tried to start with the plug out, and i think thats about it. it would occasionaly start but as soon as i gave it a lil gas it would die. playing around with the choke didnt seem to help either.
im all new to motorcycles and carbs, so any advice would be appreciated!
second question, on the handlebars looks to be 2 air valves. on the way home one of the straps was squishing one and it looked like it leaked a little oil and would hiss when i compressed the shocks. do i need to pump some air into them? i tested the other one and it didnt have any air pressue in it either. im not exactley sure what to do with them!
thanks again