1979 GS750E
aftermarket exhaust (not labeled, dunno what it is.)
K&N pod filters
I just got this machine cheap and it runs great. I had a petcock prob but I fixed that right off. I gapped and timed the points and it's running very smooth with perhaps just a lil bit of a miss. Nothing disturbing though. The one question I have for you gents is this. After I rode to work the other day and turned off my ride I saw gas coming from the #2 float drain. I thought great(sarcasm). My float is sticking. I reached to shut off the fuel at the petcock and before I could do that it stopped. I thought great (no sarcasm) the float needle seated. Must've fixed itself, hmmmph? Then the flow started again. I reached for the petcock again. It stopped. weird
Has anyone seen this before? I've almost come to the conclusion I need to take this ride to church and bring out the excorcist or the float it playing with my mind or maybe both? Perhaps I've inhaled too many gas fumes?!
I've had these carbs apart about three times now and everything has been dipped, blown, inspected and checked each time. This particular carb is running just a shade lean and I believe that I have that lil problem taken care of. I'm just a lil concerned that I could be getting better gas mileage as this lil trickster could be dumping fuel while I'm underway. Not too mention, I don't like having my ankle smelling like gas.
These are great bikes. My wife and kids love it. I love it. It's great to be back on the road on two wheels again and I wanna keep it that way.
Thanks in advance for all advice guys.
