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GS500ES Carb Rebuild Questions?

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    GS500ES Carb Rebuild Questions?

    This is for my 83 gs550es.

    Is it ok If there are minor scrapes in the throttle slide bore? They dont even have texture. Is there any trick to getting the Needle Valve body out I can get it out and I dont want to damage it (yes I took out the screw). Aside from that what else do I need to do? The diaphragm assemble is good, the needle valve is good. I am going to replace the O rings and the float bowl gasket. Is there anything I am forgeting


    Is the needle valve assembly threaded in or does it lift out? I cant get it to do either one, my book says it lifts out.


      Lift out, the o-rings are tight so it takes a bit of force to remove them. I just buy new ones each time (there is only 2, so $25 at the local independent shop). I usually screw 1 up when I remove them.

      If you need to know, they are 2.8 needles and seats.



        ok so what else is required in a rebuild. What O rings do I need? Is ok if there is a minor ding in the screen on the needle valve assembly? btw I got the needle valves out.


          If you are carefull you can remove the screen and straighten it


            so a small ding in it will affect its performance? I belive the screen is discountinued.


              The ding shouldn't bother it at all, it is just a mini fuel filter. As long as the screen isn't plugged you should be A-OK!

              I have never found the right O-Rings, usually I just replace the whole needle assembly. The O-Rings I find are either too thick and I can't get it back together, or too thin and it doens't seal.


