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ok so i am still a moron but........ CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!

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    ok so i am still a moron but........ CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!

    ok so i lost my darn backrest & luggage box right ? Let me tell you all something . Im not a very religious man but i do believe in karma & im really nice to most people . Now i searched the highway 5 different times & didnt find it . So i figured someone else picked it up & its gone I dont have lots of money & ive been spending regularly just updating & keepeing the old GS safe & on the road (with all your help )So my plan was to wait till winter & Ebay myself some new stuff. Well when i got a call to go help my sister with her car my father called my house.Tells my wife he got a call from some guy who FOUND MY BACKREST & LUGGAGE BOX. Now it gets better .......he's a maintence man & has lots of keys . He tried em all & managed to open the box ! My cell phone was in there & his son figured my lock code (1234)& looked in the phone book & called the name "dad"!Ill be picking up my stuff tomorrow .Even though money it tight right now (always is ) I must give some money for there honesty & desire to help there fellow man ! Ya see there are some good people left in this world !What a GREAT day!!!!

    thats awsome man kinda makes me wanna be nice to my coworkers but it wont help thier guff back :-p so screw them :-D

    good deal tho man i'm happy for you
    but my question is how do you lose a luggage thing and backrest while riding? lol



      Originally posted by anti-blaster
      but my question is how do you lose a luggage thing and backrest while riding? lol

      Y'know.... Sometimes things just fall off.


        #4 got good Karma for sure! Awesome! 8)


          Originally posted by HiSPL
          Originally posted by anti-blaster
          but my question is how do you lose a luggage thing and backrest while riding? lol

          Y'know.... Sometimes things just fall off.
          i guess i'm not used to how you guys roll :-p i do shipping and recieving all day, nothin falls off my trucks :shifty:


            Thats a great story! Maybe what goes around, comes around!
            EULC ON


              Re: ok so i am still a moron but........ CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!

              [quote="ddz Let me tell you all something . Im not a very religious man but i do believe in karma & im really nice to most people . [/quote]

              It's called the "laws of compensation" (Napolean Hill). You will get back what you give. And it works both ways, too!
              85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
              79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


                Yay! Let's hear it for good people!!!



                  good story....thats a a heck of a honest guy.


                    Some Wiccans I've known call that the "law of threefold return." In other words, "what goes around comes around... and around, and around."

                    Seriously, though, I'm glad you got your stuff back. Kinda restores one's faith in humanity, doesn't it?

                    And to think, most security experts would faint if they knew your phone lock code was so easy to guess. (Grin)



                      Good Samaritan

                      Puts the lie to the stereotype of rude Nooo Yawkers!

                      I'm on Lawn Guyland too - Hicksville.



                        I'm guessing they're bikers ... they can appreciate the aggravation you were going through when you discovered your loss...

                        Glad your stuff is coming back to you ... and I guess that's one good reason to leave the default security code set on your cellphone!

                        Steve 8)


                          RIGHT ON!


                            Good to know there's still honest people out there.
                            Glad you got your things back.


                              Very cool! Always nice to meet nice honest people.

