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Pulsating headlight

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    Pulsating headlight

    Hey all, I was wondering if anyone can explain to me why some bikes headlights pulsate during normal driving. The reason I ask is that I have noticed while driving my four wheeled vehicle that some motorcycles I encounter coming the other way have a pulsating headlight. Not all motorcycles do this only some. Any thoughts why this happens?


    Headlight modulators are all aftermarket as far as I know. If you want one, check here:

    or do a web search. I personally do not care for them, but to each his own.


      To answer your original question they pulsate so that you take more notice of them. it has been shown to wake up the cage drivers 8O


        Our MSF course instructor spoke fondly of them. In fact, part of the course materials we received was a letter from some government official saying that such devices ARE LEGAL in the state of New York.

        The letter is meant to be carried by riders who have the modulators installed. Apparently quite a few law enforcement officers in the state believe otherwise.



          They're legal in illinois too. it's mentioned in the MOM (motorcycle operators manual)
          You'd have to be crazy to be sane in this world -Nero
          If you love it, let it go. If it comes back....... You probably highsided.
          1980 GS550E (I swear it's a 550...)
          1982 GS650E (really, it's a 650)
          1983 GS550ES (42mpg again)
          1996 Yamaha WR250 (No, it's not a 4 stroke.)
          1971 Yamaha LT2 (9 horsepower of FURY.)


            I had one on my previous bike years ago. Although it had a mode of operation where it would pulse for a few seconds when I pushed the button (nessatating mounting a button/controller on handle bar), like when approaching interscetion ectera.
            But the dern thing would also pulsate at other somewhat random times, quite annoying at night, so I wired it only in the high beam.
            But, yah, like others said, is an after market accessory.
            Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
            GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



              If I remember correctly from my reading a couple years ago, headlight modulators met Federal regulations prescribing lighting for motor vehicles such as motorcycles. Federal regulations take preceedence over state regulations, so even if local law enforcement knew of an opposing state regulation, a copy of the Federal law would nullify it. As far as I know, they are legal in all states by Federal law. I would have to research the topic though to refresh the exact requirements for their installation. I do remember, that flash rate, mount height, intensity and color are specified.

              Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

              I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                I thought of putting one on my bike, but they can be pricey, for what they are. eBay sometimes has good deals though....

                Here's the Federal reg's...


                  WA state law also specifies how they are to be wired in.



                    Say what? Where did you find that?


                      Say what? Where did you find that?
                      WA state headlight modulator law:

                      It's a WAC, meaning that it's an administrative rule from the state patrol, with the force of law. There are lots of other motorcycle laws you can find through the Legislature search engine.



                        Thanks guys, and here I thought it was some sort of electrical problem....I'll stop feeling sorry for them.



                          Well, maybe feel sorry for the amount of money they spent. (Grin)



                            I have a modulator, and it didn't cost me much -- just a little over $30 on eBay. It's wired to my high beam, and it has a light-sensitive device that makes the headlight circuit bypass the modulator when the ambient light level goes down.

                            One thing I like about the modulator is that cages will often move over and let me (and the group I'm leading) get around them. They probably think I'm a cop. It works.

                            No difference at all in the life span of the headlight bulb, by the way. I recommend a headlight modulator highly.

                            They're not a new idea, as I've seen them on motorcycles since the 70's.



                              Originally posted by Nick Diaz

                              No difference at all in the life span of the headlight bulb, by the way. I recommend a headlight modulator highly.
                              I'm pretty sure the legal specs for a modulator state that it can't shut the lamp all the way off - it has to reduce the brightness by no more than some percentage. Switching on a cold lamp is what usually causes the filament to fail.


