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Got my GS850 to fire but doesn't stay running ....

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    Re: thanks much...

    The prime position on the petcock bypasses the diaphram function and allows fuel to flow by gravity. The engine does not have to be running for fuel to flow on this setting. It is used when the carb float bowls have been emptied for whatever reason and it is for initially filling the float bowls. The reserve and run position both require engine vacuum to activate the diaphram which opens a valve in the petcock which then allows fuel to flow. Consequently, the engine must be running for fuel to flow in either the run or reserve position. You said when you get the bike started, it dies as if it is running out of gas. It follows then that it could be running out of gas. If the petcock is faulty, it will not flow gas or enough gas. Sucking on the vacuum line checks to see if the petcock does indeed allow fuel to flow in a good stream. If it does flow, then the problem is not with the petcock. The next step would be to drain the gas from the float bowls into a small container, comparing the amount that comes out of each float bowl. The amounts must be the same and should be aprox 2 ounces per float bowl. If there is any difference between them then float heights must be set for the correct amount of fuel to flow. If floats are correct, then your problem is with idle jet and passageway blockage. We're trying to isolate why you have a problem.


    Originally posted by gdtractor
    ... when I do this Earl ... the pitcock should not be in the reserve position but on not "prim" (whatever that is) ....

    One more thing ... why am I doing this? (please)

    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


      thanks ...

      thanks much ... will check it out tomorrow after work ... thanks again ..


        Running but .... help !!!

        Hi --
        I got my GS850 running. It idles great!! ... At first it wouldn't run past an idle then the longer I let it run .... the more throttle I could give it ... anyway I decided to let it run for a while. I let it run for about 45 minutes .. was idling fine .. with the exception of an occasional surge to higher rpm's then back down to an idle .. then all of a sudden it spued oil out the side .... I shut off the engine .. and looked and the "freeze-plug" [a plug with a rubber gasket on it] like thing with a glass in it had fallen out .. and oil came out everywhere ... [I don't know if the guy who had it filled it too full of oil or what? I did take the oil cap off while it was running but put it right back when oil started slopping] ..

        What do you make of this? This is the first time I had run it for any length of time. It has set for about 3 years or more.



          Re: Running but .... help !!!

          Originally posted by gdtractor
          Hi --
          I got my GS850 running. It idles great!! ... At first it wouldn't run past an idle then the longer I let it run .... the more throttle I could give it ... anyway I decided to let it run for a while. I let it run for about 45 minutes .. was idling fine .. with the exception of a surge to higher rpm's then back down to an idle .. then all of a sudden it spued oil out the side .... I shut off the engine .. and looked an the "freeze-plug" [a plug with a rubber gasket on it] like thing with a glass in it had fallen out .. and oil came out ...

          What do you make of this? This is the first time I had run it for any length of time. It has set for about 3 years or more.

          Is this "plug" under the oil fill cap? I'm thinking you described the oil level site glass. Running the bike for 45 minutes with out any air cooling be have caused it to over heat. This sounds very interesting. I'm sure one of the experts will have an answer soon. After they finish watching the John Kerry show.


            thanks ..

            thanks much ... I never thought of it overheating while idling. Well there was no clattering or anything ...
            I hope someone else has experienced this .. to give me some insight ..

            thanks again ...


              Not unusual

              This is not an unusual problem. I am in the military and whenever I went on a six month patrol I got the same problems whenever I got back. I always followed all my steps for storage and I had problems so for a bike that was stored for three years less than perfectly it will most definately happen. I have had petcocks stick, coils take a while to wake up, up to sticky valves and piston rings that do not expand with the cylinder walls. However all these problems seemed to go away after running for a little while. The steps you should have followed, however by your posts you did not (i won't assume) but they are,

              1. Get fresh gas empty all old gas add a decent gas additive .
              2. Take spark plugs out.
              3. Put about a teaspoon of oil in each cylinder through the spark plug hole.
              4. Get new spark plugs and replace, making sure to use anti-sieze on the threads and dielectric grease on the boots.
              5. Change oil.
              6. Start bike and begin the troubleshooting.


                oil sight glass: glass lens -- will I need a new one?

                Just wondering. Will I need a new sight glass plug? Or can I re-use the old one. So the oil plug coming out and oil coming out is not a unusual problem huh? well that is good to know I didn't damage anything--or at least I hope I didn't ... like I said nothing clatter or froze or anything ...

                thanks much ...
                (live and learn huh?)


                  wouldn't you know it .. leave it to a novice ....

                  Wouldn't you know it .. one thing leads to another... while trying to put the sight glass back in .. I pushed it all the way in behind that cover (maybe the clutch cover). Does that come off without a lot of problems? Do I have to "hold anything together while taking it off?
                  Thanks ...
                  The novice,
                  (I think I am beginning to get to know this GS)



                    No, you don't have to hold anything when taking the clutch cover off.
                    First: drain the oil.
                    Make sure to remove the clutch cable from the lever on top of the cover.
                    Use an impact screwdriver to loosen the cover screws. Those can be hard to remove after all these years...

                    If you're careful when you remove the cover you could even reuse the old gasket.
                    Using a rubber hammer to loosen the cover from the engine might help.
                    If needed, apply some silicone gasket, before you put the cover back on.
                    The best way, however, is to replace the gasket.

                    I believe that the oil sight glass fits from the inside. Not sure how it is held in place though.... :?

                    Here's a picture of the cover (Screws #4 could be extra hard to remove; they are significantly longer than the other ones):



                      thanks ... much ..


                        got the sight glass back on .. and it is running ...

                        .. I just put a film of rubber cement that I have used for fixing flat tires and pressed it in .. it is snug and in good ...

                        Put it back together .. and put new oil in and started it up ...

                        (the clutch seems more loose than it was but I didn't try to put it in gear(

                        It runs good now ... and starts good .. AS LONG AS I have the choke ON ALL the time ... I think the carbs need cleaning bad !!
                        again thanks ...

