Which way do you turn the air screws to richen them up. Down (clockwise) or up (counterclockwise)?
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Air Screws.
Jay B
Air Screws.
Which way do you turn the air screws to richen them up. Down (clockwise) or up (counterclockwise)?Tags: None
air screws
I f i remember what the others have always said-if its an air screw in is richening the mixture or less air---if its a gas screw in is leaner or less gas I am testing what i learned Jay or at least what i think i learned--i hope someone will either verify what i am saying or correct me
Air Screws
Scotty's right.
If the screws you are adjusting are on the engine side. Turn them clock-wise or in to lean the mixture and couter-clockwise or out to richen the mix.
Listen to your engine and be sure and check the plugs after you've put a few miles on the bike.
Ultimately a carb sync kit would be the way to get them just right.
Good luck! 8)
Jay B
Air Screws.
The bike was sync'd about 3 weeks ago. But the plugs still show it to be lean. They are already out 3 turns. Atilla. If you want to get a really nice picture up there let me know. I'm also an amature photographer
Jay is just like the rest of us Jan we want to know what you look like--we have aleady had the pleasure of seeing Queenie on my old website and i still have a photo of her on my modiied GS RIDERS LOGO
lean mixture
It would seem that you need to raise your mid range needles one notch to adjust your normal riding mixture--as far as i know fooling with those screws has little effect on anything but idle and slightly above idel mixes--if your carbs dont have adjustable needles then a small washer will raise them enough to gve you a notiicable change in plug color--i have used this method on my bike although i didnt do the work myself--ASK JANET
Jay B
I already have them one notch up from the bottom. Two is too many cause it boggs down really bad when they are set there. Maybe I'll try the washer route after I find my micromiter so I can get 4 washers the same
Good Question, I am having the same issue on my GS750E.. I turn the screw counter clockwise to lean out the fuel and add more air...
My only problem is that I have a small amount of fuel coming out of the case vent tube..... Any ideas??? the bke came from San Jose and is now in Dallas.... What if anything can help???
Have you checked the condition of your jets? Are they clean and clear? Also are your floats adjusted correctly. If you have gas coming out of the air box or vent tubes, check the floats. Your manual will give you the correct height for the floats.
Scotty is right about those screws on the engine side of your carbs, they are idle adjustments. What I found is that once my carbs were idling correctly (I had already made sure the jets and floats were good), then I had an increase in excelleration, no dead spots in the middle and my MPG went from 34 to 40.
There are more sophisticated adjustments possible. But let's start with the basics.
Good Luck
My bike will idle, but when I rev it up it seems to be showing that it is rich, smokes... and reeks of fuel.. and also has a small drip of fuel coming out the case vent tube..
I am going to check float height but I also thought that the Air screws where there to help you tune for optimum full range throttle response...ie..air/fuel mixture... is this wrong??? if so, then those screws are only there to adjust idling air/fuel mixture.... so what is causing the exhaust to smell real rich at mid and high range RPMs????
Dont laugh but as the vacum petcockstarts to develop a tiny hole it will start pulling raw fuel in to no2 cylinder now it might not start gas fouling that plug for a good while heck in1994 I rode the thing darn near a whole year and could not figure out what the heck was going on and I already had a manual shut off from Dennis Kirt so dumb Richard thought everthing was cool HA!!!! not until I ran a 1969 442 top end did the hole open up so bad that gas would run out of the vacum line well you get my drift check it smell the line any smell of gas is trouble good luck Hey Janet dont let them dink on you to much I think you look purrrrrity!!!!