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OH CRAP. wrong oil.

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    OH CRAP. wrong oil.

    I accidentally put 10-30w in my bike. How bad is that? Should I drain it immediately? Can I ride around for 300 miles until my next oil change? Do I have to change the filter? Did I just throw 20 bucks away whileI am unemployed?


    Re: OH CRAP. wrong oil.

    Originally posted by TBONE
    I accidentally put 10-30w in my bike. How bad is that? Should I drain it immediately? Can I ride around for 300 miles until my next oil change?
    You're OK. 300 miles per oil change? That's ... umm... proactive. Or obsessive. Or at least overly cautious. I think you should be able to go much longer.

    Do I have to change the filter? Did I just throw 20 bucks away whileI am unemployed?

    Why does your oil change cost $20? If you're doing it yourself, get a $4 5-quart from WalMart and get a $6 filter from NAPA. You only use part of the 5-quart, so you can even use the remainder in your next oil change.

    Unless you mean Canadian dollars, in which case $20 CAN is a little more reasonable...


      As long as you are not pushing it hard in 100 deg weather don't worry about it. Just make sure it did not have an energy saving simbol


        well it would be 20 bucks if I had to buy three more quarts of oil and an oil filter in addition to the three I just bought. I change my oil between 300 and 500 miles. Is that too much? I thought that was good!

        Crap, I live in LA and it is August. It is freaking hot. And I always ride hard.



          IMHO, 3-500 miles is too early. while i do mine at 1k intervals, many here run to 3k with synthetics. You need not change the filter, no harm to it will be done by using the 10w-30, however, I would not run it for an extended amount of time, especially in weather over 85 degreesF.


            Changing the oil every 300 miles isnt necessary. I think Suzuki recommended every 2500 miles or so. Considering the GS's are starting to age a bit, more frequent oil changes are a good idea. I change my oil every 1500 miles and the oil filter every other oil change. As said earlier, as long as you have not used an oil with the extended milage star symbol on the can, you will be fine. There is no need to remove and discard a perfectly good oil filter. I would go ahead and ride it normally with the 10w30 in it.......particularly considering you're bewtween jobs and green stuff may be becoming a tad scarce. Or, you could just drain the oil only and replace it with Castrol 20w50 ($1.76 qt at Walmart) You be fine. :-)

            Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

            I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


              i do 1500-2000 miles with synthetics. you can get the same out of conventional oil, but synthetics are just suprerior.



                I changed the oil somewhere between 3000 and 6000 miles, depending on what was convenient. 100,000+ miles and counting. If you have plain main bearings then it should probably be sooner.

                300 miles? that's like every tank of gas!


                  Re: OH CRAP. wrong oil.

                  Originally posted by TBONE
                  I accidentally put 10-30w in my bike. How bad is that? Should I drain it immediately? Can I ride around for 300 miles until my next oil change? Do I have to change the filter? Did I just throw 20 bucks away whileI am unemployed?

                  I was told not to use any automotive oil in a motorcycle-whatsoever-i was informed to only use a "motorcycle only" oil...i know not to use an oil w/ anti-friction additives(wet clutch, etc.) the last oil i used was castrol actevo 10w-30..did i waste $17.50 on a one gallon contatiner of oil?
                  p.s.: if so, that bites b/c i work in the oil business :?


                    Re: OH CRAP. wrong oil.

                    In 30 something years of motorcycling, I have never used a motorcycle oil.
                    Always Castrol 20w50 or Mobil 1 15w50. I have no reason to change that perspective. :-)


                    I was told not to use any automotive oil in a motorcycle-whatsoever-i was informed to only use a "motorcycle only" oil...i know not to use an oil w/ anti-friction additives(wet clutch, etc.) the last oil i used was castrol actevo 10w-30..did i waste $17.50 on a one gallon contatiner of oil?
                    p.s.: if so, that bites b/c i work in the oil business :?[/quote]
                    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                    I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                      All the 10w30 oils I've seen are Energy Conserving, change it asap if that's the case or you'll be replacing your clutch plates.


                        Dumb question on my part, but what's wrong with using "energy conserving" oil? and does anyone have a link to a pic of the symbol? I don't wanna buy the wrond stuff considering I wanna change my oil soon.



                          It makes the oil more slippery, unfortunatly it makes the wet clutch on bikes slip too. That symbol looks a bit out of date to me, but look for the star, if it has one, it's energy conserving. Of course Mobil 1 has this label, and seems to be fine, I think it's a synthetic thing though.


                            Most all 10w-40, 15w-50, 15w-40, and 20w-50, as well as most single gradr oils do not carry this symbol.


                              I've mentioned this before in another post:
                              We used to mix our engine oil on our motocross bikes with ATF fluid. The ATF fluid prevents clutch slippage and makes the clutch live longer. For example, our bikes had an original clutch for 4 race seasons. Thats un-heard of in motocross racing. Most guys were replacing their clutches every season (some even half way through the season).

                              Our formula was about 85 - 90% engine oil and the rest ATF fluid.

                              This is what I am using on my GS.

