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Spline Maintainence Interval
Spline Maintainence Interval
Hello oh wise GSR people. I am putting a new rear tire on my 1980 GS850G and general wisdom suggests lubing the splines that the wheel mounts on. But what about the splines on the driveshaft itself (accessable by removing the three bolts and separating final drive and shaft housing) ? My shaftie has 15K miles on it and I'm assuming it has never been done. Is there a schedule for doing this? Can the drive shaft splines fail in your experience? Would you recommend I do this at the current tire change? What pitfalls lie ahead should I undertake this (I understand you have to use a bond/adhesive)? Thanks for your help!!! :roll:Tags: None
focus frenzy
That is a really good question that I do not think has ever been asked here before, (not that I have seen)
I have never heard of a failure at the shaft to final gear box splines before, and when I had my swing arm removed and taken down to the basic parts I did not notice any real noticeable wear and I have well over 100K miles on my bike.
it wouldn't hurt to put a light coating of a good high quality high pressure molly grease on the splines.
no bond or adhesive is needed, the seal is within the final drive housing, just take the three nuts off and slide it off, the torque tub should be dry inside, any oil in it needs to be checked for where it came from and the cause corrected.
About a year ago we had a shaft sieze up on a long run.
Some of the old guys in Ulysses said that they were always of the impression that all splines should be serviced regularly as a precaution against this.
It stands to reason when you realise that much of our riding is in relatively short distances and lubricants might not get heated up and spread sufficiently.
I do know that you can't get spare parts for a busted shaftie out the back of woop woop, and this can get to be an expensive exercise.
In 210,000 miles of 850 and 1100GK ownership since 1986, I've never had any problem with spline wear at the shaft-rear end junction. So, relax, enjoy the bike, and keep lubing the wheel splines.
I thing the only way you would have problems is if you allowed the rubber boot to disinagrate and get water into the drive shaft. Otherwise
Enjoy your shaftie
I have recently been looking around a few sites on ST1100 shaft problems. The only one is the wheel-hub spline that needs greasing everytime you change the wheel. No mention of any other problem, and this is on individual bikes with 200,000 miles plus. Shaft to final gear never gets a mention. If the boot has gone that is a different issue.
If it makes you feel good grease it up a little when you change your tires. I've never heard of a Concours failing at that location and Lord knows we've got some worry warts in COG I'm sure the Zook is 'bout the same. Just make sure the 'big splines' get greased when your tires are changed. Chain lube, anyone?