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starter clutch problem
starter clutch problem
We have my brothers 1100ed cases split and need a bottom end gasket kit and need to know who sells gaskets on here and what everyone is using to seal the cases back up it looked like black rtv when we split it. Its never been apart before. He sheared the bolts off of the starter clutch and replaced the bolts in it. He put new bolts back in it and installed the stator/flywheel. He started it and it sounded like there was a noise in the transmission. So we split the cases and guess what no bad bearings. I asked him if he replaced the bearing in the starter clutch he told me no. I think the bearing is bad on the starter clutch. Anybody else experience this before?Tags: None
1. Are the starter clutch bolts sitting fully home. They can sit a bit proud and cause all sorts of upsets.
Is the ED a shaftie?
2. Check your secondary drive. I rode mine over 3000 miles on a broken shaft as a result of my own stupidity. I kept thinking I had a gear problem.
The small tail can shear off but the spacers hold everything in place for quite a while. The sound seems to come from the rear of the gearbox area. I think it is transmitted through the metal and the shaft tube.
3. As for sealing the leak, I know chewing gum just will not do. Have you considered Araldite?
I'm the furthest thing from a mechanic you'll ever find - but you might profit from mymistakes of the past.
If the noise was not there before replacing the bolts that is where I would look, there is no bearing in that area to be damaged, except the main bearing on the crank, if you have damaged that you are up for a crank rebuild, use almost any non setting gasket cement on the crankcase joint, I prefer Loctite.