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Wet weather kills me

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    Wet weather kills me

    While I've been away on holiday in Finland, my friend Danny has been riding the GS750E. He reports that in heavy rain the bike dies from idle. It's OK while you have the throttle open, but dies if you let it close.

    The only mod the bike has from standard is that the front fender has been cut to somewhat resemble the Katana shape and size.

    I seem to remember the answer to this has already been discussed, and was something to do with water being chucked up into the front, but can't find it.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


    Dont have an exact answer for you, but in general: I have always associated engine problems related to wetness to be a result of problems with spark plug wires.
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


      Spray WD 40 or similar product on the coils and spark plug wires. I use it in rainy weather or after I've cleaned my bike. As it's flammable, I'd allow to dry before firing up the bike. Good luck.


        It seems that if the bike runs OK with the throttle more open than idle, and the bike runs OK all the time its not raining then maybe the ignition system is OK. If you can gather the details of the weather when your friend had the problem you may be able to solve this. Here is what I mean. If the weather was cool, anywhwere from 32 to 60 degrees fahrenheit, (sorry don't know C) and there was visible moisture in the air (which there obviously was if it was raining hard) then you could have had a phenomena called throttle icing, or the formation of frost on the venturi or throttle plate that can block the flow of air at idle, stalling the engine. The next time this happens, stop the engne, which it sounds like it will do for you automatically, and let the bike sit for 3 or 4 minutes. If it is frost on the venturi, the heat of the engine will melt it and it should start and idle fine until it accumulates again, usually after driving a while. I know this doesn't happen below 32 degrees because the moisture in the air is frozen and passes through the carb without accumulating. I suspect the upper end to be 60 degrees but not quite sure. One main key is visible moisture. What to do if this is the problem? I don't know. You need to warm up the incoming air to the carbs. Some cars have hoses to collect the exhaust maniforld heat and route it to the air cleaner to do this job. Do you have pods instead of a stock air filter box? That may have an effect.



          Thanks for the pointers, guys.

          I'll seal up the ignition system and see what happens.

          Bob, it's a longtime since I had carb icing on a bike, but the effect on a car is that it idles ok, but then bogs when you open the throttle.. Could be, though.

          The air filter is stock, in the later underseat type air box, which takes the air from under your right thigh (sounds painful ), so I'm not very sure whether that air would get any warming from the motor.

          Thanks again for the help.



            a cold engine wont idle without choke!
            these air cooled engines can get cold riding in the rain, the nice cool rain hitting the engine sucks the heat right out of them.



              I have similar problem in rainy day before. But after changed the 20 years old coils and wirings( both high volt and low volt side of the coils) and plugs, the problem fixed. Someone said the old stock colis are too old and would electrical leak when get wet.


