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1982 GS550L - Bent Footpeg - Replacement?

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    1982 GS550L - Bent Footpeg - Replacement?

    Hello all,
    First off, allow me to thank the countless number of people that have posted awesome info on these forums. Without you guys, owning an "older" bike like mine would be impossible...

    On to my question. My 1982 GS550L has a bent front footpeg on the LEFT side. It may have taken a fall at some point in it's life and landed on the peg... :? The bent piece is the part that has two hex screws in it and attaches to the frame. It kinda looks like an "L", with the two screws on the long part, and the peg attached to the short part.

    I know it's a little hard to describe, so I've uploaded two pictures to my website.

    One picture shows an over-head view of the bike, where you can see how bent the peg is. The other picture is a close-up of the part with the two hex screws.

    I'd like to replace the bent piece and if possible replace the black rubber pegs with something "cooler" looking. I think I've found the bend piece on - listed as $63 bux.

    I guess another option woudl be forward controls... but I'm NOT very mechanically inclined and that seems like a major operation.

    Any ideas?


    Take off the rubber piece, find a pipe that will fit over the steel peice under the rubber and SLOWLY bend it back.


      Or if you wanna get trick about it! remove the two screws and the peg, place it in a bench vice, gently heat it. Then get a piece of pipe place it over the peg and bend it till it in back in position.


        Thanks for the advice!

        Forgive me for being such a beginner... BUT won't that make the peg weaker? I don't want it to snap off while I'm riding or anything... 8O



          not enough to be noticable, but was part of the reason I suggested heating it to do it, as heat will alow it to deform a bit easier,less stress is then built up in the part and hence it is less likely to bend again once it has cooled.


            You have some good advice for fixing your bent peg, and that's what I would do in your situation. However, you did mention forward controls, and a thread on this subject may help you to decide if you really want to go that route. Check out the following:


              Thanks for the info about the peg. I trust you guys to point me in the right direction...

              As for the forward control thread... DAMN! Those are awesome!

