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Wipede out my '78 gs1000. Need new crank case cover!! Help

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    Wipede out my '78 gs1000. Need new crank case cover!! Help

    I was comming out of Bamfield and wiped out on my beauty. The crank case cover on the left side now has a 2" long gash right through it.

    What I need to know is this: What years of other GS's can I scavange a cover from?

    I seem to remember that all most all of them are the same but I am not certian about that......


    Try here..
    They send your request off to multiple parts places.[/url]


      side cover

      If you could post a picture of the cover on a webpage like the gs garage ( and post some measurements right here I could compare it to my 850GL and 1100GK engines to give you and idea if what you're looking for compares to mine.


        I wish I had thought of taking the measurements! Unfortunatly the bike is far away from home at the moment and I cant get to it for a few days. Even after I get back to it then I would be unable to get to a computer!!!

        If you take a look at this pic you will get an idea of where the damage is. The hole in the case is right where you can see the crash bar crossing over the case.


          BTW that is an incredible site of pics of GS's! Thank you for sharing it!

          I hope you dont mind but I added a file and pics of my own.

