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Help diagnosing my charging woes until I can get a meter?

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    Help diagnosing my charging woes until I can get a meter?

    So I stopped to get some groceries last night, bike was running fine. Get back on to go home, all lights go off when I hit the starter. Push started it, drove home (2 miles) no problem. Let it sit overnight, now there seems to be no charge at all on the battery (lights come on ever so barely). Up to last night I hadnt noticed any problems... except: Every so often there seemed to be a fractionally short pause between when I hit the button, and when the starter responded. I had been attributing this to possibly not having the clutch pulled in fully. Also, the idle has been a little erratic. Mostly it idles fine at around 1,000 but sometimes (and not only when cold) it needs to be goosed just a little to not stall.

    Is there any chance Im not gonna need to mess with the r/r and stator? Im reasonably sure this will exceed my comfort level for problems Im willing to handle. Im generally at school all day so I wont have a chance to pick up a voltmeter until probably the weekend. Sorry about posting very non original content, Im really bummed about my bike and looking for comfort.

    The only thing you can do is make sure all of the connections are good on the reg/rect & charge the battery. To do any more than that you need a volt meter


      Sorry but this is almost certainly your R/R. not a big problem to change,it may also be the stator though, so I suggest getting a meter asap.


        I live in Storrs-Mansfield, and am willing to help you out if you need it. PM or email me if you want to get together and see if we can't figure it out..



          I just replaced both on my wife's bike, even the stator wasn't a very big job. I was lucky enough to get a stator with the cover so it was a bit easier than having to remove and replace the old stator from its cover.

          I got my tester at Sears. I'd stay away from cheap analog (ones with a dial rather than digital read outs) ones, I had one and they aren't quite as useful.


            Get a meeter.

            You can get a few clues from the bike without a meeter.

            Is the bike over heating the battery? If so you will have to add fluid to it and use a hydrometer to make sure it is charged all the way.

            This would point to an R/R problem.

            Go get a meeter and do the no load test with a good charge on the battery.

            Asside from testing the stator itself the no load test will tell you all that you need to know.


              Welcome to the GS world. Runs crappy, drags on start up, dull headlight, blinkers hang-up we have all been there. Sounds like you are at about 9.5/10 volts.

              Afterawhile you don't need no stinkin meter, when it quits with no fuse blowing you are around 6 volts



                Worst Feats not confirmed...


                So I got myself a meter (Actually I got two, but one didnt work) and started by checking the battery. I watched it initially read 6 then drop rapidly to about 2. When I push started it, voltage read 13.5 all levels of rpm. When turned off, the battery reads 9 and thenm drops very rapidly. So, it seems like its just the battery. Ill pick up a new one tomorrow, and I think I should be fine. No new R/R, no new Stator necessary.

                Thanks for the info and offers of assistance.


                  13.5 volts is a little low. I think the spec calls for 14.7 volts at 5000 RPM. The low voltage indicates a weak stator. I have the same problem with my 850. It tests at 13.9 volts. I can ride it for weeks before I have to charge the battery. I bought an Electrex stator and R&R unit and plan to install them this winter.



                    I agree the voltage is too low but I wonder if it's not caused by the bad batery hauling the voltage down?.....Mike

