After going through all of the hastle getting new cylinder jugs (the old ones were way out of spec,about 2mm)I finally have the bore kit installed. My problem is that the bike is now overheating. after about ten minutes of riding the bike starts to blow white smoke out of the breather on top of the engine. When this happens the bike really doesnt seem to loose much power but I never run it long after this starts so I really don't know. I thought that the bike may not be getting proper lubrication so i pulled off the oil pan thinking that the filter screen may be the problem. The oil pan had about 2 good size oil rings worth of material in it. I cleaned that out and cleaned the filter screen. After that and an oil change with a new filter the bike is running much better and stronger but it still heats up after about 10-15 minutes. It's not smoking as bad(instead of thick white blinding smoke it is about the consistancy of something like cigarette smoke). Is there something really wrong here or is it something as simple as the cylinder wall is to thin and is heating up too much. If it is just that the bike can't get rid of the heat fast enough could this be fixed by running something like a lockheed oil cooler? I heard someone say that a oil cooler could be hooked up through the oil gallery plug. How do you do this. If there is already a post like this i apologise and could someone send me in the right direction.
Thanks for your help everyone!