My engine is leaking oil from two or three spots. So I went out and purchased a new gasket kit from Vesrah. Supposedly complete and specifically for my GS550. Any one install a gasket kit before? How long did it take? Any precautions I might need? Since I have the kit should I tear it down completely and do them all or just the ones leaking? Should i take my newly purchased kit to a dealer or shop and have them install it. I know this is a massive undertaking and I'm willing to do the work myself if I can garnish a little help and guidance. Then again I'm also more than ready to just pay someone else to do it.
Issue #2:
I have an idle and throttle problem that I think is related. The idle is way high at 3K RPM... Greg and I have set and reset the idle screw on my bike and it will work for a time but after a few miles while waiting at a stop light the idle will creep from 1100RPM to 3K RPM and lope between 3K and 3300... At the same time if the engine is below 3K RPM and I open the throttle it chugs and gurgle a bit before it catches and goes. I've checked the battery and I checked the voltage going into the coils. I checked for spark on all 4 cylinders and that seems to be OK. I've also taken off and cleaned and re-oiled the K&Ns. I'm guessing it's a "no gas" issue so I'm looking at the carbs. I also have the wonderful "popping" when I let off the throttle.
The previous owner did not do any work on the bike what so ever. Yet, having said that he took the bike in for work having a shop install a K&N pod filter set and a Vance & Hines 4 into 1 exhaust set. I've taken the carbs off before and done a rough shod cleaning. That didn't seem to fix anything.
This points that I might have a carb or jetting issue. Unlike the task of the gasket kit I don't have an issue pulling the carbs apart.. How do I know what jets are installed? Is there a guideline on what new ones I should get if any? I have a Hayne's and a Clymer's manual so I'm confident I can get the information I need on what was original but where do I need to go from there?
The Cry for Help:
I have no problems doing this work myself. Problem is I don't have too much confidence in my abilities and doing this "by myself" is a rather daunting task. A consummate wrench turner I get flustered when things aren't exactly the way they are listed or shown in the books. Anyone in the Chicagoland area that's free for a weekend or a night or two and willing to help, I'll supply pizza/brats/whatever and beer/soda in exchange for on site guidance and help...
All suggestions and comments greatly appreciated. Especially other avenues of trouble shooting that I can do easily and haven't done yet.