I have bone stock 1100ex with an annoying carb problem. The carbs are completely standard, all jets are as factory recommended but number 3 cylinder carbon fouls at low revs. This is not a new problem it is one that has be going since I've had the bike.
Synchronisation (according to my gauges and two other mechanics one of whom has a mercury setup) is fine, float operation and height are perfect. Bike seems to have no loss of performance and does not seem particulary thirsty for fuel (average some 15-16km/l @ 120km/h on a trip).
What I have found is that when all four pilot screws are 3 1/2 turns out plugs 1,2,4 are perfect and 3 fouls. Changing the number of turns on #3 to 2 turns makes #2 run lean while 1 and 4 stay at 3 1/2 turns out and remain perfect. At this setting #3 still fouls. Currently I have #3 at 1/2 turn out, #2 at 5 1/2 and 1 and 4 at 3 1/2. At this setting 1,2, and 4 the plugs look pretty damn good but #3 is rather dark and I think starting to foul as I have noticed a little bogging down whne taking off from traffic lights. What is happening here is that for every turn in on #3 I am having make the same adjustment out on #2. Also I have few vibes coming through the tank now. Just doesn't make sense. Every time I changed the pilot settings I have checked and adjusted carb synchronisation.
To me it seems like a synchronisation problem but my gauges say otherwise. I don't want to keep the current settings as they are just plain wrong. Changing pilot jets doesn't seem right.
All suggestions welcome.