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Eliminating clutch rattle

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    Eliminating clutch rattle

    There was a gentleman on this board who mention he eliminated alot of the rattle (%80 in his words) by retorking the bolts on his clutch. Now according to the micro-fiche there is one bolt that is holding the clutch assemby together. Is this the bolt to "tighten" up the clutch, and kill most of the rattle? Like most with clutch rattle is completely goes away after 10 mins of riding so its not a biggie but any improvement would be nice.

    1984 GS750EF

    I used the micro-fiche from and 1983 GS750ES (same motor) at

    If you're in there, you can easily feel and see if the nut isn't torqued as you will be able to wiggle the hub on the splines.
    While you're at it, remove the hub and shake it, if the springs in the backing plate are worn they will rattle.


      Thanks for your advice I'm looking more of an improvment quick fix rather than take the whole thing apart. As far as the clutch springs go it feels tight when I pull in the clutch with lots of feedback and precision. It doesn't feel like they are "weak" (uneducated guess). If the clutch springs do rattle is it a problem to get at them? If so I won't bother. I'll try the "quick" fix of seeing if the one nut holding the housing on is loose. I'm more thinking of a take the clutch cover off a few turns of the wrench, new gasket and I'm done sort of deal. Worse case senario (I hope!) would be I'm out a clutch cover gasket, no improvement, but I gained a piece of mind. What exactly causes clutch rattle anyway. It is the eventual wearing down of the plates causes some extra play in the housing? Or is it more the springs? Some people have had their clutch baskets welded. Does this mean welding the housing onto the basket? Just trying to figure out the cause to see if I can make an improvement. Any advice greatly appreciated.


        The clutch basket springs are part of the clutch basket,They act like a shock absorber for the clutch. send it to APE and have it rebuilt(welded). The clutch plate springs that operate the clutch are different & are always under tension. Not a dificult fix, not a 10 minute job either.
        You will NEVER get it to run as Quiet as a new GSXR
        The motor is inherantly noisey


          Thanks, I understand that. Like I said after 10 mins or less of riding it goes away. I'm not looking for a new bike type of deal but I thought if I tightened up the houseing nut a bit it might help. By the way anyone know the price of the fix?(weld) and who do I send it to? All I was looking for was a slight improvement. Would retightening the housing give me such an improvment?


            If it goes away in 10 minutes, it's probably not worth messing with. The clutch springs that hold the inner hub against the clutch plates (the more accessible ones) are unlikely to cause this problem. I'm currently rebuilding my GS1000 clutch because the outer hub (clutch basket) springs are shot - this problem causes the clutch to make LOTS of noise all the time. Your symptom sounds more like something minor that goes away once the oil propagates through the plates and the whole mess comes up to temp. Probably a complete rebuild would fix it, but I'd say wait until it gets worse.



              Good advice, I was thinking of taking a look over the winter. But for now, I'll leave it alone.


                I have rebuilt my clutch hub twice to get rid of a real rattle that did not go away when hot!. Rivets and hub springs gone. If that is all it is, probably normal GS stuff. You will find that it runs smoother with a carb synch..amazingly so.

