There isn't any "handle" on the petcock???? Fine I'll admit defeat. What does the owners manual say? Nothing!!! It says something to the effect "The petcock is automatic. When the fuel gage is in the red refill the tank." So I'm looking at the fuel valve and in the middle where the handle should be there is what appears to be a slotted head plastic shaft, slot is horizontal. I turn it vertical with a screwdriver. Still no fuel. I then pull of the vacume hose and cave my head in sucking on this thing and I get this excellent flow of smelly varnish coming out of the bowl drains. Good! I hit the starter and the thing fires right up. Doesn't run to smooth, (it's a wonder it ran at all on that crap) but all pipes get hot, the oil light went off before it even started, not a trace of smoke, and after a minute on choke it idles. Perfect for sitting 2 or 3 years.
Which brings me to my question. Are you supposed to be able to prime with this valve by turnng the center shaft? The picture in the book shows it wihtout a hanlde. I can't believe they expect the average consumer to suck the vacume line every spring?
p.s. You can set off a carbon monoxide sensor on the first floor by running a bike in the basement on fast idle for 3 minutes. Just thought I'd pass that along!
