She runs fine, if still a touch rich. But at sustained speeds over the ton, she'll die of fuel starvation.
This has happened twice in as many weeks. First time was after about 20 minutes - 10 at legal speeds, 5 at awgeez speeds, and the last few at felonious speeds resulting in a complete loss of throttle response, loss of power, and subsequent four letter words on the left shoulder of the interstate. The second time happened yesterday after about 20 minutes of sustained high speed and a ~2 minute burst above the ton.
Both times, she wouldn't fire when cranked. I dipped a rag into the fuel tank, dropped the rag into the air box and she fired right up. She stumbled for a bit, then ran like a champ.
I rebuilt the petcock about a year ago, and it was in good shape even before I took it apart. I went on a 200 mile spirited ride in the twisties a couple of weeks ago with nary a problem - but never went above 80 on the way. Around town and at moderate freeway speeds she's fine...
I've also noticed that the float bowls will dry out in about 4 days instead of the usual 7-10 days. A shot of ether in the air box takes care of this, and gives the few seconds of running it takes to suck enough fuel into the bowls to keep her idling.
Unrelated problems???
Dirty petcock???
Partially clogged vent tube???
I completely cleaned and synched the carbs about 2 months ago, and she otherwise runs like a scalded cat....
As always, advice is greatly appreciated.
And on a side note - my ES donor bike arrives Friday!!!