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Compression Test Analysis

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    Some good advice in there guys BUT I would caution against using diesel in the fuel to decoke the engine. My understanding of things is that diesel will make things run quite hot (and so decoke things) but if you add too much diesel you could melt something. I have mate who pulled this very stunt recently with his tractor mower. OK it's not a GS but it is a petrol engine and I wouldn't like to take the gamble.
    At the end of the day a coked-up engine is symptomatic of (i) burning too much oil or (ii) running rich or (iii) maybe other issues like weak spark, etc. Always best to sort the root cause first.


      Hey, how about a can of Coke in the tank (or Diet Coke for all you health nuts)?



        I have worked with engines for years and years.
        Here's a HUGE TIP...
        Make sure engine (car or motorcycle) is at normal running temp and you can use normal transmission oil thru the intakes, this will smoke a lot but it gets rid of a lot of crap...
        Secondly, if you want to do a near perfect job on decoking and freeing off the rings, USE General Motors Choke cleaner, spray this in the intakes (hot engine) once the can is empty, go ride for 4-5 miles then spray General Motors TOP ENGINE cleaner through the intakes, once the can is empty turn engine off and leave for at least 3-4 HOURS.
        Once you have done all that, go ride it, after 3-4 miles the smoke will clear up and..............HOLD ON........................ Phil.


          Originally posted by nert
          I was gonna mention about the throttle being open, but trnpkroadwarrior1019 metioned he had the carburetors off. Thats about as wide open as you can get
          Sorry nert, didnt meant to soundlike I was having a go at ya, I was just pointing the WOT out for other readers who might try to do a compression test without the throttle wide open. The old saying, if you aint told, then you dont know.

