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Rattle when engine stops

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    Rattle when engine stops

    Over the last year or so a rattle has developed in the bike (81 GS1000G). When it is just about to stop there is a disconcerting rattle from the motor for a half a second or so. It sounds like a heavy can with a couple of bolts inside.

    Thoughts so far have been the clutch basket or the oil pump.

    Can anyone give me some info about what these sound like when they start to go?


    Sounds like the clutch basket. It's quite common and nothing to worry about. I've never heard of an oil pump making a noise like that. If your oil pump makes ANY noise then you've got problems. Another possibility could be the starter clutch mechanism.


      Re: Rattle when engine stops

      Kim, I doubt the oil pump gears being cushioned by an oil bath could have enough play to make the sound you describe. My best guess is clutch assembly or possibly on the stator/starter clutch side. I would be inclined to drain the oil, remove both side case covers and all four spark plugs.
      The starter will then spin it over fairly quickly and you will get a much more clear sound and exact location of the problem. If it wont do it with the plugs out, I would try installing one or two plugs and if it still doesnt rattle, put the plugs in the other two cylinders. Its possible the sound is wrist pin or piston related.....though I doubt it would sound as you describe.

      The only clank I have ever had that matched your description and occurred on shutdown was when I had two of the starter clutch bolts sheered off. That did sound awful. :-)


      Originally posted by Doctor Shifty
      Over the last year or so a rattle has developed in the bike (81 GS1000G). When it is just about to stop there is a disconcerting rattle from the motor for a half a second or so. It sounds like a heavy can with a couple of bolts inside.

      Thoughts so far have been the clutch basket or the oil pump.

      Can anyone give me some info about what these sound like when they start to go?

      Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

      I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


        My voter is for it being related to starter clutch also. (and I would never dissagree with Earl ! )

        Had similiar sound just after shutting off motor, just for a part of a second as it made its last few revs (although on a 2 cyclinder Kawa KZ, 25 years ago, buyt assume starter clutchs somewhat similar arragement). Was a bolt head from starter clutch broke off, and rattling, and crunching-klunking into the cases, but still retained in some recesss and spinning with the starter clutch. The explantion I was given was that when engine running the cluch was disengeged and not spinning. WHen shut off, and the engine rpms decreasing, at just the last second or so the clutch renegage when engine rpm got below some point. Dont know why I didnt hear it when cranking on the starter motor. All I saw was the bashed up bolt head (bike was new and under warrentee yet) so I may not be describing the situation exactly, but it was a broken bolt head on the starter clutch klunking just after motor shut off.

        Maybe you can idnetify which side the sound is comming from. Side the starter clutch is on, or the side the clutch is on. Although sometimes hard to tell.
        Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
        GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


          Could it be run-on dieseling?



            Dont listen to earl, 8O he just wants to get you to take your bike apart so you can tell him what it looks like inside, instead go to your local discount auto store and buy a sethascope about $10 or if your a cheapy like me a piece of 1/8 copper pipe, with some tape rapped on the end so as not to poke your ear drum out, run it and hold one end to each case cover and you should beable to tell witch side its coming from, buy the store one and you will find a million uses for it, but with the tube you can find intake leaks exhaust leaks and all kinds of things :P :P :P


              Re: rattle

              :-) :-) :-)


              [quote="Gee-s-is"]Dont listen to earl, 8O he just wants to get you to take your bike apart so you can tell him what it looks like inside
              Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

              I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.



                POOF!!! earl made me disappear


                  A clutch rattle should be constant, not just before shutting down. I would look at the starter clutch first. Have a good listen first to see where it seems to be coming from.

