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    Hello everyone, I replaced the clutch cable on 86 gs1150e, because it would shift very, very hard specially downshifting, it did not repair the problem, I am thinking to replace the discs, is there anything else I should look to replace, or should I start with the discs?


    Is the clutch cable adjusted properly? If it's too loose, you won't be able to fully release the clutch packs and the downshifts will be hard.


      are you using 10W-40 oil and stock springs? that's where I'd start...if you need to pull the clutches, make sure you have no grooves worn into the basket from the driven discs, they can hang up there



        I just got this bike about two weeks ago, the seller told me needed a clutch cable, I got the cable few days ago, after repalcing the cable, on center stand the bike shifts fine , doday I took it out to ride it would shift very very hard, I took all the play out of the cable by adjusting at the clutch lever, id did not do it. as for the oil I know there is oil in the engine I dont know what kind or type.


        Merry christmas to all


          You mean you have trusted someone else's word on your bike?? 8O 8O
          I would have replaced the engine oil and filter twice by now !!!
          Check drive chain tension and adjustment, and of cause lube.
          I would collect a new set of clutch plates (genuine ) and springs (also genuine) and fit them, examine the basket for wear grooves, you can carefully file them out.


            Hi Duncan, the other person who I bought the bike from is another Gser. I did remove the drive chain, soaked it in kerosin, lubricated with oil and adjusted the tention, however as far as the clutch issue goes,I did not konw the next step, or what to do first. should I take the clutch apart see what is worn or dammaged? Or based on the experience of the forum listen to you guys, and order parts you think I will need, then finish the job. As for genuine parts, what is the significance of having genuine parts clutch plates and springs? As for the clutch basket what should I look for to file?
            thank you



              All the engine builders I have spoken to have said to stick to genuine plates and springs on these bikes. From my own experience I agree.
              Which bike did you buy?
              There are a few other things that can cause hard shifting , such as bent shift forks , worn gearshaft bearings, worn gears etc. replacing the plates and springs is as a first step, it means you then have a "known good" situation to work from, as I am certain you can imagine most everything else mentioned involves splitting the lower case off, a situation I am fairly confident you would prefer to avoid.
              Is there any engine oil leaking around the gearshift shaft near the countershaft sprocket?
              The other thing is several short interval oil and filter changes may "flush" the motor and also assist to ease gearchanging, I have yet to see an engine suffer due to "fresh oil"
              Once these simpler steps have been taken, we will all have a much better idea of what may be the actual problem if what has been suggested already doesnt help, BTW your clutch cable should have a little freeplay at the lever, around 2-3 mm as I recall.


                It is the 1986 Gs1150E. it has 20.000 miles on it and everything is bone dry, I will take the clutch apart and start from there, and I will keep you guys posted with the progress.


                  You mentioned that the chain was off. In my experience with chains, albeit limited, chain tension ffects shifting quality, so I would make sure the chain is not too tight or too loose. Check it off the centerstand, with the weight on the wheels.

                  1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
                  1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

