I took a motorcycle repair course at the local tech college. I decided to put my newly learned skills to the test and purchased a bike that I could afford to destroy. So far, I've put about 12 hours into it and need help.
I've checked the FAQ for this area and have found similar stories. Unfortunately, I've tried the obvious cures proposed.
The Story
I was told the bike was basically sound and did, in fact, run well as of October of 2004. I haven't been able to get the bike to start.
Relevant facts:
1985 Suzuki GS550ES with ~25K miles that last ran in October of 2004.
I turn the key and get power to the gauges, headlight and accessory system as I would expect. When I push the start button, the starter motor engages and spins the engine as you would expect. I try this a few times and I can't get the engine to start.
I have entirely removed the carburetors, taken them apart, cleaned them, put them back together and re-installed them on the manifold. When I sprayed carb-cleaner into the jets, it came out the other end just fine so I don't think there's any obstructions. I didn't really find any gunk or green gas anywhere in the assembly. I know for a fact that gasoline makes its way from the tank into the float bowl of the carb in that I unscrewed the drain plug from the float bowls, attached the tank, switched the fuel petcock on and in a second or two saw gas draining from the bowl. So, the fuel system appears to be okay.
I thought that the ignition system might be faulty. I proceded to remove each spark plug from its cylinder, reconnect its lead and press the start button. Each spark plug produces a blue spark.
I don't get it. The carbs get fuel. The jets appear to be clear. The plugs generate a spark. I put my hand close to the intake of the carb and can feel air being drawn into it so I know the engine is inhaling air.
I even tried spraying some starting fluid into the intake of each barrel of the carb. The engine still won't start. Now, to top it off, I've managed to wear the battery down.
Why won't the engine start?
What am I doing wrong?
