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Point Gap

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    Point Gap

    Hello All,
    I am trying to set my points. My manual says to align the marks and then move the point plate until there is no continuity. I have continutity all the time no matter if the points are touching or are gapped wide open. Any suggestions?


    You are either doing it wrong or your points are dead shorted, are you sure that you have the wires and insulation washers in the right order on the points this can short the points, are you checking them with one probe on the case or base plate and the other on the contact that is opening, or moving,


      Put the cam lobe on the high spot to open the points adj for .012-.016 in
      then set the timing opening point with cont meter


        I have them currently gapped the way Lynn has described. However, when they are wide open I have continuity. I'm not "doing" it wrong. I am not certain that they are dead shorted either. They worked before the bike was torn apart. I changed points and condensor 's about 2 yrs ago. What is the order of the wiring, contact, and isolators? Anyone have a schematic?


          when u purchased the new points u had to loosen off the little screws to slip the wires from the bike into they have little insolaters to keep the current only to the tip of the point...using non conductive washers and ect u may have slipped the flat slot on the end of the wires into the wrong part of the points.

