I decided to strip the carbs on my GS1000G as cylinder 2 wouldn't fire at low revs, I suspected a blocked pilot circuit.
Before the strip I'd already set the low running mixture on cylinders 1,3 & 4 using a colortune. After doing this the pilot mixture screws were all around 1 1/2 turns out.
On stripping the carbs I found the usual gunge and the pilot jet on cylinder 2 was completely plugged. Unfortunately two of the pilot jets had to be drilled out. So I bought 4 K&L carb kits and decided to change all the jets as a matter of course together with the pilot screws and a set of o-rings from Robert Barr.
Mine is a UK spec bike with 115 mains, 40 pilot jets, and 160 pilot air jets. The kits contained 115 mains, unmarked pilot jets and 200 pilot air jets. So I decided to fit the new mains and pilot jets and stick with the old pilot air jets.
After the rebuild it runs on all 4 but it is hellish rich, I couldn't get the mixture weak enough with the colortune even with the pilot screws fully home. I tried running without the airbox and I got the 'ideal' mixture at a pilot screw setting of around 1/4 turn out. I decided to fit the 200 pilot air jets and this helped a bit but with the airbox fitted I'm still too rich on 2 cylinders even with the pilot screws all the way in.
I'm assuming that the K&L pilot jets are wrong, or the mains, or both, or maybe the K&L pilot screws aren't seating properly. Incidentally I didn't change the float heights, float needles or float needle seats, save for new o-rings. I also fitted new carb plugs above the pilot jets.
Has anyone else had this sort of problem with a pattern carb kit?
Does the main jet affect pilot mixture?
Any help would be Much appreciated.