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signal generator

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    signal generator

    Hey I've taken my valve cover off for a valve check, and I noticed that the gaps between the rotor and two points are really off, one is twice the size of the other side. I've looked in my manual for any kind of spec for the correct gap, but I can't find it.
    Can anyone tell me to what size I should gap my rotor to?
    My 700 and I thank you for the help



      I'm a bit confused do you mean that the the gaps on the each pair of valves are vastly different and are you after a setting for the tappets? or are you looking at the rotor and pickups?


        sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm looking at the rotor and the pickups, down on the right side of the engine, one is .11 mm from the rotor, the other is .22, what am I supposed to gap it to?


          I don't think their is a gap specs, So unless you are having problems don't worry about it The rotor just breaks the magnitec field It's not like a set of points


            If the bike runs well, I would not tamper with it. I think the metal L-profiles are not meant to be bent and adjusted. But in a crash, they surely can get bent. If you are to adjust them, pull off
            the pickup-coils first, so they don't crack. I had to adjust my pickups after a crash, but I do not think I set the gap as large as 0.22mm. I think I have som specs at home (currently at work). I will try to check it out. But if it works, I would say: Fingers off :-)


              I would imagine 0.11mm wouldn't make any difference to the spark generation, as long as the pulse reaches the Ignitor at the right time and is big enough to trigger the Ignitor to send a pulse to the coils then you're OK.

              What may be a worry is if the bikes been dropped and there's damage to the rotor drive. I'd suggest turning the engine over with the cover off and seeing if the rotor is running off centre. If its OK and the bikes running well then there's no problem and its just a quirk.

              I have to admit I've never checked that gap on either of my 550es', even the one with a Boyer electronic ignition


                I used to take a piece of paper, fold it over so it's twice thick and set my points gap with that.

