1) The needles are adjustable (yay!), but do not look like the Dynojet kit needles I have seen previously (which have all had a very pronounced taper). These have almost no taper at all, looking very much like a straight rod. Are these stock or what? This is a Canadian model bike, did they come with adjustable needles stock in 82?
2) The cam chain tensioner is weeping oil and the carbs (especially #2 and 3) are really dirty with a partly baked on layer of oil and gunk on the outside (inside was very clean). Will carb cleaner take this off or should I use some brake cleaner to clean the bodies up before using the carb cleaner to clean out the float bowls and jets? Stupid question perhaps, but I have never had a set of carbs get this dirty on a bike I rode. The PO didn't seem to hold much stock in washing the poor thing.
3) The float bowls and jets were very clean, with only trace amounts of sediment in the bowls. I plan to just spray everything down with carb cleaner before reassembly. Since it ran and idled very well last summer, I see no reason to strip everything and dip them yet. Any reason to not just spray and then button them up?
4) Tonight's wrestling match has convinced me that pods are going on before I put the carbs back in (I was on the fence before tonight), so I am going to have to rejet somewhat. Since it is already jetted for the modified intake set up, I figure that I can start with one size up mains (currently it has 130's in with the needle on the #3 of 5 positions), which will be 132.5's. This can't be far off what it will need and should be a decent starting point. Any opinions on that?
5) I have found the pilot jet on the exploded view in my manual, but it is somewhat vague as to where it actually is in the body. From the diagrams, it appears to be directly to the engine side of the main jet. There was a boss there with a rubber or plastic plug over it on the carbs. Is this the pilot jet? How do I remove it to check the size?
6) The mixture screw is nicely placed on top of the carbs towards the engine side of things (for a change, my ZX-9 had them buried). Does the idle mixture get richer or leaner as the screw is turned in? I haven't found the number of turns for that screw in my manual (yet), does anybody know what the stock setting is for an '82 Canadian model?
Lots of questions, I know.

Any help/experience/opinions welcome.