Tonight I put the carbs aside and started in on pulling the cams and installing the slotted sprockets. I got the tensioner out and cleaned up no problem. Then I went to set the timing marks and line up the cams with the stock timing marks (you know, timing marks lined up on the crank, #1 marking on exhaust cam sprocket lined up with the gasket surface on the head). When the crank timing marks are lined up, the #1 on the EX cam sprocket does NOT line up at all with the gasket surface. It looks for all the world like it is one tooth off, above the gasket surface. That is, the timing is retarded by a full tooth. Is this possible? Would the engine run like that? I had a timing belt jump two teeth on a car once and it ran like garbage in that condition. The bike ran fine when I picked it up last fall, but I only got about 150km on it before parking it and the fork seals were leaking, front brakes contaminated with oil, etc., so I was not ripping it up much on the rides I took. But it started and idled fine and generally behaved OK.
BTW, the timing between intake and exhaust cams is correct, it's just that the whole assembly seems to be off.
WTF? :?
Mark (remember, Joe Nardy told me to ask lots of questions - how am I doing?
