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Replacing forks...will these work?

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    Replacing forks...will these work?

    Is it possible for me to use 1980 Suzuki GS 1000-G forks on my bike?
    I'm riding a (mostly) 81 GS750L

    The GS 1000-G shocks are 37mm in diameter but I don't know the measurement of the ones on my 1981 GS750L...

    Dm of mD

    I've got a set for you dood. Your bike is an L model so you want the leading axle type not the axel under type. The ones I have are the ones you want. They are leading axle for an L model. Dual caliper setup.

    Let me know.


      Blank On..problem solved 8)


        Originally posted by Hoomgar
        I've got a set for you dood. Your bike is an L model so you want the leading axle type not the axel under type. The ones I have are the ones you want. They are leading axle for an L model. Dual caliper setup.

        Let me know.
        What is the difference in those two types?
        I wanted to get a set of forks that I could put clip-ons on them.

        Dm of mD


          The leading or under axle.

          Here are some pics:

          Here are the under axle type like on an E model. These are the same as the ones you bid on up on eBay. You wouldn't want to use these on your L model as it could possibly make it unstable not to mention look funny. See how the axle is on the very bottom of the fork leg?

          [img]*hmUSxpPzYLZ187kWE2!luKieQWxfbjfmoCh Mru5Cky6s9CM!H6LYTmSRPeFeBAFADazj!NMHDXA49w9mQQnCo j0BjJB03h7atp0pSqGA/DCP_7192.jpg[/img]

          Here are the critters you want for your L model. See here the axle is out in front of the fork legs or "leading"

          [img]*hmUSxpP4WermVuDJtMvg!lLCxKfdL3zeMtI B1NmBohYA89w8RknnA!lEyMoMjK!IzWF*jq0oVDQhDO9m8QjEe 6fq5lwy31GDdySQViIQ/DCP_7193.jpg[/img]

          Hope that helps buddy


            I see now...I probably would have needed a different axle bolt. Good thing I got outbid on that auction.

            Well, the bike is in the shop getting the seals replaced so I won't be needing to purchase new forks now.

            Thank you for the offer though good buddy. I'm trying to think of anything else I might need for the bike. OH YEAH, New front brakes. The pads on there currently are worn. I need a new chain too...

            Do you have either of those? Or a good cheap supplier of 630 chains?

            Dm of mD


              For brake pads I have not been able to beat eBay. You can order them from any of the online parts places and pay 2 to 3 times more. Get your brake pads off eBay.

              For chain I would not go cheap. But a good DID or the better x-ring type 630 chain shouldn't run you over 70 - 80 for a new one DID or maybe a full bill or a bit better for the x-ring. You have to shop around. I am not sure where really as I always just get Paparo to order mine in so I never had to hunt them down.

              Remember, when you put on a new chain you REALLY should replace both sprockets as well or you are just going to waist your money and end up spending even more. It's cheaper to do it now. Chain and two sprockets man. They are a team.

              Anyone got any good links for him to get chains and sprockets from?


                Thank you for the info bud.

                I had an idea. If I used some of those under-axle forks I could raise the fork tubes an inch or so in the triple-trees and use clip-ons right?

                I'm thinking of doing this regardless as I'm getting the itch to try a sportier handlebar setup this season.

                Dm of mD


                  Believe it or not no. The leading axle forks are one inch longer from the top of the tube (very top where the air goes in) to the axle than the axle under forks. If you use the axle under forks and move them up 1 inch then they will be 2 inches shorter than what you have now.

                  Plus, I really don't think you want to put that type of fork on an L model. You'll be screwing with the trail and could end up making your bike very unstable. I wouldn't play around with a mod like that unless you have very specific information on trail and rack and how it affects the safety of the bike.

                  Yes I am trying to talk you out of it. Don't want to see you hurt man


                    Thanks a lot bud. It's really nice to know that you care. I'll leave it alone and get a set of clubman bars if I plan to go clip-on style for a little while.

                    God bless,

