Mixture screws 2.5 turns out
Needles on 4th of 5 grooves (that is, second from bottom groove)
Mains still at 137.5
Ran much stronger this time. Very small bog off pilot onto needle when the throttle was opened suddenly from cruise to full. The bog was only noticeable in 5th gear, in the lower gears it just rips ahead without a noticeable bog. It will now almost lift the front in 1st and 2nd with a roll-on. Much better!

I also found that it will now pull through the misfire at 6000rpm in the lower gears and it ran pretty hard from 7500-9000 when it cleared. This is on a full throttle roll-on from low revs, whacking the throttle wide open at once and letting it rev out. The misfire is also less noticeable in 5th as well, which is leading me to think this is perhaps a carburation issue as well as soft coils. Ah, the joys of jetting...

Anyway, when it cleared above 7500 it ran pretty well to redline, but not as hard as I would expect it to, so I suspect I am still slightly lean on the mains. I am going to swing by my dealer and pick up some 140's at lunch and try them out tonight or tomorrow. I pulled one plug after last night's run and it was showing a more pleasing light tan color now, instead of the whitish residue I got from my first run. I want it one shade darker, but it is not bad at all, really.
So I tweaked the mixture screws to 3 turns out before riding to work this morning and it seems better again. Almost no popping on deceleration now and nice soft, smooth response to off-idle throttle changes. They were a bit abrupt previously.
Any other thoughts on my misfire/stumble/surging issue? I will change out the mains for 140's and report back on that in the next day or two.