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Handlebar risers are great

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    Handlebar risers are great

    Well I looked and finally found a well priced and well made handlebar risers for my 83GS1100ED.
    Only $36 on eBay.Polished aluminum.
    I am 6'4" and have always had to lean a bit into the bars to get comfortable. Well now it feels like a brand new bike
    Put these bad boys on from and raised my bars an inch. What a difference.

    And here on my bike
    [img]!fa6BhZPRJ4ahgpXkDZKL2KGnB2Q!p1MEjD5*q7 4XdraYzbtyZd7d4kVk7qeRDBCwuDMFfd9WtydB2szLYZdqs0wV DNu4W3SeAPUy0ypEHwg/new%20risers.jpg[/img]
    Gotta love it. Tried them around town and it is perfect. Just the thing for The Moosehead Weekend
    Doug aka crag antler

    83GS1100E, gone
    2000 Kawasaki Concours
    Please wear ATGATT

    Why not get a higher handlebar instead? like the one on virago etc

    or maybe from the GS - L edition like mine here,


      as someone with bicycle sales/ service experience, I know the difference between a good bike and a great bike is fit. its often overlooked on motorcycles but it was commonplace for a bicyclist to come in and buy a new bike, and swap the bars for a different size, shape or height.

      we actually used a "fit machine"to determine the optimum positions for pedals, cleats, bars, controls etc. once it was all done, and tweaked a little bit for individual tastes, it made all the difference in the world on long or strenuous rides.

      motorcycles are a little harder to do, the bars are easiest, and of course having the levers in an easy to reach location is easy, but pegs are a little harder to move. mine seem like they need relocated about 1 inch rearward, but its hardly worth the time and money to do it. my bars are mm's from hitting the tank when fully turned, I think Id go lower if I had my druthers. (Im 6' tall)

