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When you braced your frame for the upgraded suspension......

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    When you braced your frame for the upgraded suspension......

    did you put your fram in a jig to prevent distortion? Or did you weld it in and go on your merry way?

    My plan is to do some bracing to the Mighty Buffalo's frame, but I would like to know from those who have gone before, just how much distortion do I have to look forward to? Do I have to spend the $ to make up a frame jig?


    Let me rephrase....... When upgrading your supension, did any of you do any bracing to your frame? If so, did you put your frame in a jig, or simply weld the braces in?

    I know Swanny did some of this, I thought Katman had added bracing too.


      Hmmmm, good question.

      I know of two people personally (and one that is nearing completion) who have braced their frames and neither mentioned a jig.


        Well, I guess I'm going to try bracing without a Jig.

        Thanks for the reply Robin!


          Originally posted by Ogri
          Well, I guess I'm going to try bracing without a Jig.

          Thanks for the reply Robin!
          you're welcome, can I have your old drum brake now? :mrgreen:


            Sure!....... It was a disc brake bike, except for the rear brake, would you like that one?


              I thought it was a front drum brake, guess I was wrong.

              A liitle more about the bracing, if it turnes out the bike tracks to one side afterwards you can have it straightened at a specialised shop, they can also check a bare frame for alignment.

