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    Acceleration wasnt the hottest on my bike. I was fairly sure the sprocket sizes weren't stock. When I cleaned off some gunk on my rear sprocket and found it was a 38 tooth (stock being 43) I went lets go with stock and see what that gets us
    My set comes in yesterday and thanks to Andrew's generous loan of stands last night I went to work.. taking off the cover of the front sprocket I discover a 17 tooth (stock being 14)
    Previous owner is going to get a smack on the head next time I see him

    43/14 = 3.07 gear ratio (stock)
    38/17 = 2.24 gear ratio (what was on my bike)

    WTH were they trying to do ... set Bonniville records with this thing ... jt sprockets only lists one bigger front sprocket and no smaller rears.. this may explain my occassional high end bog down where the bike just wont accelerate in top gear... it just didn't have the ponies to push thru that gearing..

    I think that set would be pretty close to stock. But i am not for sure.

