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Whats going on at the tracks

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    No rust on the suspension parts? You could have dragged that thing up hear and sold it, then bought a trailor. What are you going to do with the rest of this thing anyway?


      Well the engine, 5 speed trans, radiator and maybe the tilt steering is going into the Falcon. Going to turn it into a freeway flyer cause right now with the 4.10 gears and the C5 with 3 gears she's turning some good rpms and you can watch the gas gage drop as your going down the road. Also since my son is in 6th grade this gives me a few more years to finish this project before he gets his license.

      There won't be much left of the truck when I'm done so I'll just load up whats left and scrap it. Should get around 30 bucks for every 1000 pounds. That should cover the trailer registration, towbar hitch and wiring assy and a few extra beers.

      I should have my old 1100 head back on this weekend and with alittle luck a few nitrous runs will go down.
      1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
      1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
      1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
      1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
      01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


        What are you going to do with the old parts from the car?

        Looking forward to hearing about the 5.? pass. If we are taking bets, I am calling it 5.897. Good luck.


          After about 8 years of nitrous i think it's over due for some new 12-1 pistons and main bearing.

          I guess I could turn this into a rail dragster \\/ or maybe a farm tractor, either way not much left

          Now I can get to those darn motor mounts
          Last edited by RacingJake; 10-03-2006, 10:15 PM.
          1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
          1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
          1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
          1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
          01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


            Originally posted by RacingJake View Post
            After about 8 years of nitrous i think it's over due for some new 12-1 pistons and main bearing.

            I guess I could turn this into a rail dragster \\/ or maybe a farm tractor, either way not much left

            Now I can get to those darn motor mounts
            Even the frame looks good. Are you planning to rebuild the motor from the truck before you install it, or did it run alright.

            This may be our last weekend. They are predicting some good weather so I plan to take the bike out for one more shot at the 8's and break that 150 mark. Good luck with the 5.9999 pass.


              Yea, it's my last story of the year!!!!!!!

              What a weekend we had in the cold Michigan weather. This was supposed to be a test and tune day, but because our last points race was rained out, they rescheduled for today. So we had the two classes show and the place was packed. Test guys were ****ed because they couldn't make 100 round robbin passes. Real racers were ****ed by all of the down time by the crappy cars running and dripping oil. I bet we had 10 delays today.

              Dad took on team Green in the first round. They anounced over the PA that if the kid has any chance to win the championship it came down to his dad taking out Green in the first round. Blam, dad cuts a 502 bulb. It was great and Green fell.

              Because there were so many T&T guys running with the normal race, many of the bikes that had entered dropped out by round two. I counted 3 bye runs.
              Both dad and the kid made it to the semi's where dad had to take on the kid. This was for the big payout, so I'm not saying that anyone took a dive for the team, but come on, a 3 somthing red? He could have made it look better. The kid who slept on the light drew a 560.

              That was it. The kid had won the track championship. Green took it well. But we had more more round. The kid has to run down a street bike. The street bike pulls up the front end but doesn't go red. The kid sleeps a little and pulls a 590 (worst light of the night) and then goes hunting. That was all she wrote and the kid walked away with I think his fourth track win for the season.

              We had a T/F Harley running at the track. There were a lot of delays and so I talked a little to the driver. He explained that it was only going to be a 60' pass and they were testing a new clutch. I'm thinking, hey that's why they call it test and tune. I ask his tuner guy if it is all clutch, no transmission. Yep. Now these are the guys I want to learn from.

              These bikes are massive if you've never seen one. The driver appeared less than comfortable on it. There is no way I would want to run one just because of the size of the bike. He does a burn out, but not a John Force burnout. More like my bike kinda burn out. The tire still looks wet. They get the bike to the line and his buddy is doing the final preps and give him the go ahead. I am ready to see the quick blip.

              Nope, no blip. More like a puff puff puff and the bike heads streight to the wall. He gets it stopped. All I can think it that I almost saw someone die. If that bike would have came out with some power it would have been bug juice down 100' of wall.

              Later he brings it up for a second try. I run up to watch. The burnout is a little better this time but not what I am used to seeing. They again stage the bike and do the final preps. I am praying for the rider. Please don't go to the wall. This time the bike trys to make a little power. Sort of a chug chug chug. Some smoke comes off the tire. He lets off of it a little. Nope, he's back into it. Ok, its not heading for the wall, its heading for the center of the track. The announcer makes some comment about it being out of control. There goes the first reflector. Ok, he's in the left lane now and slowing.

              The growd gives their opinion, because we have all riden a T/F bike and are experts in the matter.

              That ends his day of terror......

              Ok, for my own bike, it started out as a bust. It was a warm day and I knew I would have the traction I needed to get the old GS into the 8's. The first attempt the bike does a 1.35 60' 6.3049 106 MPH 1/8 and 10.1178 124.98 MPH. The only good thing was this new clutch I bought from MTC. Damm, this thing is the clutch from hell. I would sleep with it if my wife would let me. Oh yea, my reaction was .5148. Not real bad seeing that I have no clue what I am doing.

              I hook up the PC and download all my data. No boost. I had the turbo out a few days before and tore it down for inspection. Now I am thinking what did I forget this time. Maybe some sort of fluke? I check every exhaust bolt. Pull apart the wastegate. Check every rubber boot.

              Attempt two things get worse. 1.4630 60, 6.5 @ 103 1/8 and 10.4069 @123 1/4. I hook up the PC. Still no pressure.

              Now everyone starts telling me what the problem is. Here's the list:

              1) Your not giving it enough fuel.

              2) You need to turn the screw all the way in on the wategate, then back it out three turns.

              3) Where are you shifting? 8200 8200!!! You should be shifting at 9500!!

              4) Pull that stupid turbo off that bike and just put it back to NA.

              This is what I hate about coming to the track. Not that everyone has opinions but that everyone trys to tell you how stupid you are and how slow your bike is because your not doing what they say. I am starting to see why my friends get so ****ed off when people try to help them.

              I keep looking at the graphs from the PC and know I may only get one more shot at the 8's. The sun is coming down and I know that the track is going to go away soon. I finally decide that my little RaJay F compressor is running out of steam shifting at 8200 RPM. I am now thinking that my peak torque must be closer to 8000. So I move the shift point way down.

              They call me up for round three. I push the bike to the lanes and people are asking me if I found anything or changed anything. I tell them I moved the shift point down to 7500 RPM. Nothing like laugher at the track. Its a real in your face kind of sport and I am starting to like it a little more. I try to explain the torque curve and F compressor theory, but no one buys it. How much slower can he make that bike go.

              I do my little burn out and get everything armed. The lights drop and I drop the hammer. This time when the bike crabs second, it feels like the tire comes up. Third gear, damm, I swear that tire is in the air and the bike shifts a bit. Not a big deal and I am still staying somewhat in the groove. Forth hits and she's pulling hard. I'm pretty big (lost 28 pounds since I took on this little rebuild project) at 200 pounds and I am tucked in about as far as I can be. The bike feels smooth and the new engine sounds good.

              I had been blabing with the guy running with me. He was telling me all about his Busa. Nice bike BTW. Runs 9.80s or something, stock.

              The bike runs thru the traps and I shut down the motor and start looking for my neighbor. Where is the Busa? He said 9's so he should be here. I make the turn, get my slip and head for home.

              I get off the bike and the Busa guy says, 11 second bike my ass. My wife tells him, really that's all he's been running. A few more people show up. Then they all realize that I have no idea what it ran because I never looked.

              8.7029 @ 154.04. My first time in the 8's, ever. I am 44 now and have played with bikes for most of my life it seems, but this is what its all about for me!! Yea, I know it's slow by a lot of standards, but at least now I am starting to understand a little about what I'm doing.

              What is interesting is that the 60' was 1.4388 and the 1/8 was 5.6027 @ 130.15 MPH. I have had it 60 at 1.33 and have ran quicker in the 8th with it. So there was some major rider problems with this pass. I'm still happy with it. I decided I needed to back it up.

              My final run did no go so well. The sun had dropped and I had to run a Harley. You know those new fancy factory wheelie bar bikes that cost $30K and need a few people to help run them. I have something about running Harleys and something always goes wrong.

              I do my burnout, hold it on the 2-step, let things get real hot and step it in.
              There is no way I am going to let this $30,000 bike beat me down this track.
              Blam, I drop the hammer. 0.5148 bulb. Crap! The tire won't grab. Bike is on auto pilot now and in comes second. The bike settles down but I know I lost any new record pass with it. I drop into my fat guy position and hope for the best. Third gear kicks in and the bike comes to life again. I swear I am on the bars but the bike stays streight. 4th hits and I am thinking where the hell am I. This is way to early for the bike to be shifting. Damm, the tire spin. There is nothing I can do now but hope I don't run out of gear. 8 seconds into the run and then I hear it. The engine has hit the 10.5K rev limiter. I figure it's safe and hold it for another second while I run it thru.

              I ended up running a 9.1052 @ 135 to the Harley's 9.5307 @ 140. It was close but the old GS wasn't going to give up without a fight.


                LMFAO, I can write hell and damm but not pis-sed? So much for free speech. You don't have to read my crappy posts if your offended.


                  roflmao - haha - gr8 post m8 and a gr8 day had by the sounds of it...

                  wtg =D>



                    Great post congrats on your teams championship and also on the 8 second pass. My wife would kill me if I was going that quick. if they ever smoothed the shutdown out I may try to go quicker, but for now I'm happy. I picked up a slider off ebey for about half price. Started devising a plan to put an air cylinder on it to get me back up the return road. Myself and one of the guys I race with may work on it over the winter.

                    Saturday they held a rainbow babies and childrens benefit race. Over 300 cars showed up. I've never seen that many race cars there before. They were pitting cars in the spectator parking outside the gate. i got there at 10 when they opened and ended up pitting down at the finish line. had to ride up to the starting line instead of my usual push job.

                    Several show cars showed up donating time to make exibition passes. jet truck, top fuel harley, top fuel front engine dragster, a couple super charged warriors, etc. They also held a umtr stick shift race that had been rained out the past two weeks and a gamblers race for everyone else.You could hardly walk thru the lanes for all the people standing around.

                    First round of the gamblers race I was running a harley dialing a 14.25 at 74 miles per hour. As soon as I let go I thought damn that was red. it just felt like I flinched. I don't know what my problem is every time I've crossed over lately I've been going red. So anyway he cuts a 7 something light and i go by him just past 1000 feet like he's standing still. Run a 9.658 @134 on a 9.65. I actually didn't even care. Points are over and the day was a blast.

                    I think the GS may go up for the season. They are supposed to run test and tunes the last two saturdays of the month. I would really like to try and get a 9 second pass on the busa. if the weather cooperates.

                    A friends vega he just got. Full tube chassis, full fiberglass body, 466 big block on alcohol. Very nice car, but may need a little fine tuning.

                    The jet truck

                    Top fuel harley

                    Front engine fuel car.

                    Thought this was a great driving job on a stick shift car. Didn't lift and won the race.
                    Last edited by Guest; 10-08-2006, 10:48 AM.


                      The 2006 Teaser Video


                        my Bro in-law recently entered top alcohol

                        with this lil number

                        seems like he he is making a good fist of it early...

                        15/09/2006 5:53 pm 35Deg,87%H,1027mB,3508RA,(TT)24Deg 1111 Right Lane CHRIS HOLLINGWORTH FIREBIRD F/C , BAE 511#Tst RcNo 263_______Time Trials, Test and Tune (R)

                        NUM CLASS HCAP REACT 60 330 660 KPH 1000 ET KPH
                        1111 T/A 5.66 0.568 1.096 2.864 4.240 289.68 5.420 6.401 369.30 1

                        although he missed the championships Im sure he's gunna be knocking on the door soon....
                        Last edited by Guest; 10-14-2006, 05:33 PM.



                          It's looking good!!

                          I can't find your address. PM me and I will toss that switch in the mail for you.

                          The temperatures were a little cold today for the bike. I may get one more chance but we need to start a new "what going on in your garage" section again soon. We had snow the other day.

                          This is maybe the transmission I will use as I move towards the 7's and get over that 160 hump. I bought this thing for $50 from a guy who had it in a funny bike of all things.

                          It's basically a stock GS with billet output gears and shaft that was cut to a 2-3 auto. It appears that it was made by Mark (based by the signature) and the serial number shows the billet output shaft was made by Orient Express in the mid 90's. I happened to have a brand spankin new input shaft and 2nd, along with a few other parts.

                          You can see the damage to 1st. Next week the doctors should know the results of the magneflux test. If it can't be saved, I will be looking for a new core if anyone has one.


                            Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.

                            Now that is nice looking, if your the invisible man. Ok, I need at least 10 more letters in order to meet the minimum length required.....


                              You have a pm. My opinion. That crank got way out of hand.


                                Its more than I would spend, not knowing anything about it.

                                I would cough up the extra and get a new one at this point.

