I have a 1982 GS650GL and for some reason, when im cruising at 100-110km/h at 4000RPM the handlebars vibrate. Its kind of a high frequency vibration so highway cruise can get my hands numb. The handlebars are not the stock ones, they are flatter and longer so maybe that can contribute to the vibration. Looking online I see that putting counterweights on the end of my handgrips would be a good way to solve the problem. Problem is. I like my handgrips the ay they are and putting counterweights on the end would ruin the style! (see pic). So I have come up with and idea: First, fill my handlebar with silicone. Its just an empty tube with nothing in it so it probably woudn't be hard to pour some in. Second, I would leave the last 4-5 inches of the ends of the tube empty, put a lead rod in there and fix said lead rods in place with some more silicone. Im thinking that this way, I would get some mass everywhere in the handlebar, but especially at the end of the handles without having to put counterweights that look out of place. Im thinking of lead because of its higher density that steel but steel is viable too. And because its sealed inside my handlebars I woudnt have to worry about lead poisoning Has anybody ever done something like that on a GS? I know its kind of a common fix on older bikes. If you have any suggestion for me I would be happy to hear them!
Not the best picture but you get the idea. If The silicone filled handlebar plan doesnt work, then il happily put some counterweights in.