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    My input: I've been running VM carbs on my 1100 since 1985. Been in contact with many people who run simular setups. I've NEVER heard of anyone using "anti-turbulance" items that saw any gains in performance. All articles that I've read say that they either did not increase performance or milage or cause decreased performance. Deesel appears to have had some experiance with them so I can't dispute his input, but he is the first person I've ever heard of who has seen an improvement.

    I've never heard them called "ultimate fuel optimizers" so I may be talking about something entirely different.

    I suggest you do lots of home work. Document your findings.



      thanks hap...

      ima not entirely sure just how brave im feelin right now.
      ive a feelin ill need to log some serious info to answer all the questions thatll be headed my way.


        The smallest I see them listed for is for 32-34mm carbs. They are $59.95 for 2 carbs, so some where around $120 plus tuning parts if you can find them for 29mm carbs.
        I have only used them on 2 stroke engines, but any time you can improve the "vacuum signal" to your fuel metering circuits within your carbs- you should be able to tune more accurately and improve throttle response.
        I have proven results on the dyno- on snowmobile engines with UFOs.
        They especially help when tuning engines with larger than average carbs.
        It helps to be proficient at carburator tuning to realize the gains available from UFOs.
        OK, now I feel like a sales representative for the UFO company.
        Good luck, long gone, sorting through all the "expertise" being offered.


          these are the things in question

          Starting Line Products develops and manufactures new and innovative products for the snowmobile and UTV industry.

          i think this is the manufactures website.

          looks like they kinda follow the same princapals that the 29 and 33 smoothbore carbs do. seems to just turn the throat of the carbs into velocity stack like thing, and would only be most effective at WOT other wise the slid would still be causing turbulance.

          my question is, this is such a simple and cheap peice to install and manufacture, y has not any of the major carb manufactures had this as oem peice? if you can find one example of this in race oem race carbs or any other oem carb then i would say this is a good idea.

          i am neither for or against these.

          Last edited by first timer; 09-10-2006, 11:46 AM.
          78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
          82 Kat 1000
          10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
          Some dirt bikes


            Hmmmm..that is not what I was thinking it was...I thought it was something you put upstream of the slide with vanes to "smooth out" turbulance.



              a good look...

              thanks first timer for posting the pic/ mac is fairly antiquated and im somewhat of a computer idiot so i couldnt do that if i wanted.
              perhaps itll settle some questions about what they are.i still think we're all still in doubt of what they do.(how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop)...the world may never know.or perhaps ill buck up.just dont wanna drop $120 plus jetting costs and time( hair pulling,potential tool throwing time )to go backwards.
              thanks to everyone for the time ,energy and thought invested here.

